I hate the fucking UI, cause it performs the cardinal sin of sacrificing basic usability for looks.
The menu options are crammed into a tiny little window that need to be scrolled on and on to see the options, and you can't see more than a few of them at any given time. This is done to cram it all into a tiny little ball design, leaving some 80% of the screen unused. Dammit, if I want to access the menu, I don't give a fuck about the background image at that moment. They're making the menus fucking awful to use and navigate, so they can cram them into their fancy looking design. I have all of this screen real-estate, for some reason they refuse to use it, and I hate it.
Also, the art deco font is hard to read and obnoxious.
While we're at it, how come saving and loading is awful? It's Ren'Py, out of the box, these things just work. They actively spent time and energy making it worse than the default experience. Right clicking opens up a save menu with 2 slots. 2 SLOTS! Are you kidding me? The default is 6, and if a game has a lot of choices ands variation, the devs will often mod in even more per page. But 2 is frustrating, doubly so when you can not access the Load feature from the right-click, nor from the quick menu at the bottom. You need to quit all the way out to the main menu to load a save.
I can't. I fucking hate it. I got 2 choices into the story, realized how utterly insufferably obnoxious loading/saving prior save points was going to be, and promptly quit out of the game. I refuse to to put up with this awful design just so the dev can flaunt their pretentious UI. It's garbage, and the usability (indeed, the primary goal of any competent UI) is absolute shit.