Tamara Exposed C2 v0.7.1 - All
Version 0.7.1
1 more story
Location Park
- 68. Fetishes
Version 0.7.0
-Fixed Spelling mistakes
1 more story
Location Shop
-67. Night shopping
Version 0.6.9
2 more stories
Location College
-65. Why Roshutsu?
Location Highstreet
-66. Lesson learned (this story contains violence and is not available in the Patreon version)
Version 0.6.8
1 more story
Location College
-64. What happened next??
Version 0.6.7
1 more story - This one contains animations
-63. Visiting Grandma
Version 0.6.6
1 more story
Location Highstreet
-62. Out of hours in the Gym
Version 0.6.5
The game has now 4068 renders
Added new location - College (bottom right)
1 more story
Locacion College
- 61. College fun
Version 0.6.4
The game has now 3962 renders
Fixed spelling mistakes
3 more stories
Location Trainstation
- 58. The journey goes on
Location Highstreet
- 59. New place
Location Park
- 60. Killjoys
Version 0.6.1
The game has now 3773 renders
Fixed spelling mistakes
3 more stories
Location Neighbourhood
- 55. No Choice
Location Trainstation
- 56. Train Fantasy
Location Highstreet
- 57. A Long Night
Version 0.5.8
The game has now 3406 Renders
3 more stories
Location Park
- 54. Not much interest in Music
Location Highstreet
- 53. Birthday Adventures
Loction Neighbourhood
- 52. Sarita
Version 0.5.5
3 more stories
Location Park
- Concert
Location Forest
- Camping-
Location Trainstation
- Laundry-
Version 0.5.2
3 more stories
Location Highstreet
- Tamara's Birthday
Location Industrial
- Little Sister
Location Neighbourhood
- 48. Virtual Reality
Version 0.4.9
3 more stories
Location Trainstation:
-Picking up my friend
-Going home??
Location Park
- Basketball
Version 0.4.6
3 more stories
Location Beach:
-Making new friends
Location Mall
-Good advertisement
Location Mall
-Small World
Version 0.4.3
Added 2 new characters:
Jessa and Lori
3 more stories
Location Industrial:
-Walk like a man
Location Mall:
-A day at the gym
Location Beach:
-Ready for the first time??
Version 0.4.0
Fixed spelling mistakes
Upgraded to Renpy
Introduced character map
3 more stories
Location Work:
Location Beach
-Librarian on the beach
Location Neighbourhood
-Time to pay the rent
Version 0.3.7
Fixed spelling mistakes
Fixed some background issues when loading pictures at the start of the story
3 more stories
Location Neighbourhood:
- I have to pee
Location Work
- Being nice can help sometimes
Location Library
- The Librarian
Version 0.3.4
3 more stories
Location Office:
- Office Moral
Location Library
- A day at the Library
Location Shop
Version 0.3.1
3 more stories:
Location Industrial:
- Like daughter like mother
Location Office:
- Another day in the office
Location Neighbourhood
- Homeless
Version 0.2.8
3 more stories:
Location Forest:
Location Work:
-New Job
Location Home:
-So Horny
Version 0.2.5
Performance fix. This should address the memory leak issue.
3 more stories:
Location Park
Location Neighbourhood
Location Beach
Version 0.2.2
3 more stories
Location Neighbourhood
-Next rubbish collection
- Bambi's purse
Location Trainstation
-Sleepy...or not..
Version 0.1.9
3 more stories
Location Neighbourhood
-Rubbish collection
Location Beach
- At the Arch Cove
Location Mall
- Ice Cream Parlour..next day...
Version 0.1.6
3 more stories
Location Highstreet:
- F.B.I.
Location Forest:
- Roshutsu
Location Mall:
- Ice Cream Parlor
Version 0.1.3
Added 3 stories
Location Home:
- Jenny
Location Park:
- Stuck
Location Neighbourhood:
- Ripped Pants
Version 0.1
-Icons on the map now show "New Content" if there is something you haven't seen
-If there is a story you have to follow it will flag the parts you need to see first
It contains following stories:
Location Home:
- Introduction
- First day at home
- First time on balcony
Location Highstreet:
- Windowshopping
- Behind the shop
Location Trainstation:
- The cane