VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tamas Awakening [v1.0b] [Whiteleaf Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot, the animation, the game overall was excellent imho. Really enjoyed playing it. I really like this kind of mystery things with some kind of harems :) If you are into hypno/incest/some mystery, I strongly recommend you to try it, you won't regret I'm sure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything that's need. Pussy, anal, nice and simple story. Fucking harem and good looking dude. Everyone is pregnant and who fucking cares. Nice job to the team. Wish you luck with your next games. but please make more MILFS. WE NEED THEM
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Art: Excellent, 5/5

    Story: Good, a little unique but fairly standard mind-control and male dom h-plot. Additionally, while you are given the option to chose how you're related to the girl's, the dialogue/story is written in such a way that only incest makes any sense for it. I get they're probably trying to avoid Patreon dropping them for an incest game or something, but it's awkward and unclear. If you go with default you might get some gems like "This is so wrong. She's my landlady's sister" or something along those lines. 3.5/5

    Gameplay: Non-existent. 2/5.

    Overall, for the length of the story, it feels a bit dull for a pure visual novel where you're choices have no real impact. If the tags look like your thing, then skipping through to scenes will probably be nice. But I don't see many people bothering to read through more than like 50% of the story. Overall 3.5/5 is probably a reasonable score.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything was great overall from the scenes to the writing definite plus if you have a impregnation and pregnancy fetish which made me really like the game there are alot of varying scenes and doesnt feel like they repeat each other the charachters are really likeable in there own way only draw back i would say is how everything comes to happen leaving questions
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good art, lots of sex scenes. Heavy on the male dom stuff, so if you like that, there's some great fap value here, but that's pretty much it. There's no gameplay, and the dev gave up halfway on the plot. One of the girls you see on the cover has no content.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Suitable for a fap.

    Linear game. Sit and watch the story unfold.

    The scenes are well drawn, although hardly animated.

    There are quite a lot of them and some are really hot. And yet, there is no gallery to review them.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    there is basically no history on the game, you get blessed by some mysterious power then snap your fingers and make girls do everything for you, but still is worth playing since the art is awesome, also a good amount of breeding/domination content
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Great, better than 90% of the stuff on here but not enough to be top tier.

    Story is simplistic but characters have a little depth that makes them interesting, although those depths aren't fully explored IMO.

    Sex scenes are hot, there's a good amount of them.

    Only problems are that it's not a game, it's one of those linear just keep clicking until sex scene type games.

    Missed opportunity with the redhead too.

    Favourite parts are the faces the characters make which are pretty good, they show lust, love, teasing. The pregnancy is great too.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games on F95. There isn't some deep, engrossing story but what is there works well enough to keep things moving. The art is great, the girls are sexy, and the scenes are hot and that's all I can really ask for. My only nitpick is that it seemed a little rushed when this game felt like it still had so much potential. Still it's a solid 5/5
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The only saving grace of this game is its art. The plot and writing suck. First of all the MC is treated like shit by his family for going to college(?) then magically gains powers by eating bread (his ability lore is told later on). Also, his personality is a bit weird where he acts domineering towards his mom and sis but immediately loses his goals when it comes to his cousins? Then comes the introduction of some antagonist which was only shown for 2 scenes. Even plot advancement feels like picking up random puzzle pieces and throwing a sex scene on top. It gets really confusing and after a while, you begin to skip text just to see the art.
    Dev needs to improve his writing for his next game because great art can only carry it so far.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The art here is GORGEOUS, and that's the only reason it manages to force an additional star out of the depths of the abyss all other content remains in.

    The writing is pants-on-head-retarded, any sexual situation is completely unbelievable and whether a character is supposed to be shy, angry, twisted or slutty, they will engage in the most insane sexual encounters with you after no setup at all.

    Even worse, there is 0 choice here, so you can't even ignore the poor writing and just focus on where you want to take the characters.

    It's a real shame. If the author was to give all this art and all these great scenes to someone with the ability to put qualified pen to impressionable paper, there's content for a real banger here... so to speak.

    As is, it is a lot of fantastically wasted art for a lot of nothing.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The story has for sure improved since i first played it back in 2021 but it has remained linear with very little choices if any that affect the story, or at least it seemed that way, they decided to keep some of the art from the early stages of development so the art can sometimes seem to be inconsistent which for me it throws me off, the latest arts isn't that bad but since it goes back and foward it looks off putting, a decent game still i would say but pretty much average all things considered.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent sex scenes, but the plot is trash. As in would be better without the half-ass attempt at a story. Tip for the author- don't bring up questions you aren't going to bother addressing. If you're not going to bother resolving them then bringing them up just creates problems.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Actually reading the text in this game will make you feel dumber. It's a real shame because the art is quite nice. You have the usual awful male MC which is just a rapey asshole and all the female characters have no personality.

    Personally, I would say don't bother with this one.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is pretty good apart from some glaring inconsistencies with art style. The sex scenes are decently written, however there is at least one art inconsistency I remember. When Anna sticks the butt plug in Willow, Willow took off all her clothes beforehand but in the scene she still has her top and socks on.

    The story feels about 70% complete at best, as though the writer wanted to go home and skipped a bit rushed the next part and then left off the last 10%. The girls go from barely showing pregnant to heavily pregnant in a scene change which isn't bad of itself but it feels like it's missing a 6 MONTHS LATER screen. (unless I missed it)

    The sex scenes in the last section, much like most of the story, come thick and fast(much like our mc) except with barely a line of dialogue that matters between. Yet the only characters to get solo scenes in what feels like the last half of Tamas Awakening are Mary, Agnes, and esther(with no capitalization just like in the game).

    One single choice that changed things could have made the game great in spite of all the issues I had with it: letting us choose who we marry..

    The impreg/preg content was pretty good but could have done with at least 1 solo scene for each of the girls while heavily pregnant.

    I would have personally loved to have another camping trip with Willow.

    No gallery/scene viewer - ☆☆☆☆☆

    0-5 stars - ★★☆☆☆
    2 Stars. Best I can do.

    Willow is best girl.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, this game has good CG paired with some really boring dialogue that feels like never ends. As some have mentioned before, you're bound to skip, you get to see all of sex scenes, that are composed of 2-frames up and down, accompanied by way too much flavour text that is rather bad, for so little action, and neither the renders nor the text manage to get you to the other side.
    Then we have the story, except you don't, it's pretty much finger-snap mind control through and through, not much else to look at.
    All in all, it's quite a dense game to read through, and the scenes aren't rewarding enough for all the text you have to chew.
    Again, good CGs, but lacking in the other departments, hope the creator's next endeavor's writing improve to match the graphical quality of their product.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Cgs are quality, characters are amusing to watch interact and the story is entertaining from beginning to end. the growth of the girls and the changes after being hypnotized are very fun and the ending is a great way to wrap it all up.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good but gameplay is the worst kind of VN, you just press ctrl for 10 min to unlock everything. No dialogues no mini games no exploration to spice things up.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story VN/5
    Gameplay VN/5
    Fapability 2.5/5
    Originality 1.5(another VN)/5
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is the only good thing about this unfinished game , the plot is disjointed and pretty boring, so much so that the author didn't even bother to finish it, you might as well search a cg of this game and look at it, you will be much less bored and won't have to sit through so much bad dialogue filled with errors.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good Art the 2dcg is very beautiful, just hope that you all will build a slow burn game, make things go abit slower, and a better corruption story.
    Everything just happen too fast and too soon, hahaha..