Tamas Awakening is a fairly solid game, good for a quick playthrough.
The artwork is pretty good, but most of the animations are just 2 frames alternating with most of the body being pretty stiff. Pregnancy content is on the forefront, and there's a decent amount of content through various stages of pregnancy.
The story, characters, and dialogue are definitely the weak points of the game. There's a mind control aspect that has basically no rules (i.e. every time it's used, the effects are different - sometimes they become mindless zombies, other times they are lucid and just highly suggestible, and sometimes they just do what the player character tells them to) and is just a tool to fuck the family quickly. There's a little bit of lore throughout the game about the origin of the character's powers, but this plot point (the ONLY plot, really) goes largely unresolved by the end. All the characters are 1-dimensional, they basically get one personality trait at the beginning of the game and that's all (e.g. sister is a bitch, one cousin is religious, the Mom is...the Mom). They have no interests, hobbies, daily activities, etc. to speak of and once "corrupted" literally the only interactions are to have sex. Most of the dialogue is pretty stiff and repetitive. I appreciate the dirty talk, but 90% of it is just the same basic idea repeated four times in a row over and over.
Overall, a decent game worth checking out if you like pregnancy or the idea of sex slaves. If you are looking for a good story or interesting characters, there's nothing to find here. The game is also quite short for a completed 2D kinetic novel with 3-years of development, maybe 4-5 hours, at most, depending on reading speed.
I'd give it a 7/10 - rounded down to 3 stars because the default font is horrific and there's no in-game option to change it.