VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tamas Awakening [v1.0b] [Whiteleaf Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent sex scenes, but the plot is trash. As in would be better without the half-ass attempt at a story. Tip for the author- don't bring up questions you aren't going to bother addressing. If you're not going to bother resolving them then bringing them up just creates problems.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Actually reading the text in this game will make you feel dumber. It's a real shame because the art is quite nice. You have the usual awful male MC which is just a rapey asshole and all the female characters have no personality.

    Personally, I would say don't bother with this one.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is pretty good apart from some glaring inconsistencies with art style. The sex scenes are decently written, however there is at least one art inconsistency I remember. When Anna sticks the butt plug in Willow, Willow took off all her clothes beforehand but in the scene she still has her top and socks on.

    The story feels about 70% complete at best, as though the writer wanted to go home and skipped a bit rushed the next part and then left off the last 10%. The girls go from barely showing pregnant to heavily pregnant in a scene change which isn't bad of itself but it feels like it's missing a 6 MONTHS LATER screen. (unless I missed it)

    The sex scenes in the last section, much like most of the story, come thick and fast(much like our mc) except with barely a line of dialogue that matters between. Yet the only characters to get solo scenes in what feels like the last half of Tamas Awakening are Mary, Agnes, and esther(with no capitalization just like in the game).

    One single choice that changed things could have made the game great in spite of all the issues I had with it: letting us choose who we marry..

    The impreg/preg content was pretty good but could have done with at least 1 solo scene for each of the girls while heavily pregnant.

    I would have personally loved to have another camping trip with Willow.

    No gallery/scene viewer - ☆☆☆☆☆

    0-5 stars - ★★☆☆☆
    2 Stars. Best I can do.

    Willow is best girl.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, this game has good CG paired with some really boring dialogue that feels like never ends. As some have mentioned before, you're bound to skip, you get to see all of sex scenes, that are composed of 2-frames up and down, accompanied by way too much flavour text that is rather bad, for so little action, and neither the renders nor the text manage to get you to the other side.
    Then we have the story, except you don't, it's pretty much finger-snap mind control through and through, not much else to look at.
    All in all, it's quite a dense game to read through, and the scenes aren't rewarding enough for all the text you have to chew.
    Again, good CGs, but lacking in the other departments, hope the creator's next endeavor's writing improve to match the graphical quality of their product.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cgs are quality, characters are amusing to watch interact and the story is entertaining from beginning to end. the growth of the girls and the changes after being hypnotized are very fun and the ending is a great way to wrap it all up.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good but gameplay is the worst kind of VN, you just press ctrl for 10 min to unlock everything. No dialogues no mini games no exploration to spice things up.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story VN/5
    Gameplay VN/5
    Fapability 2.5/5
    Originality 1.5(another VN)/5
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is the only good thing about this unfinished game , the plot is disjointed and pretty boring, so much so that the author didn't even bother to finish it, you might as well search a cg of this game and look at it, you will be much less bored and won't have to sit through so much bad dialogue filled with errors.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good Art the 2dcg is very beautiful, just hope that you all will build a slow burn game, make things go abit slower, and a better corruption story.
    Everything just happen too fast and too soon, hahaha..
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going to use bullet points on this review, as I can't quite get my head around how to write this review otherwise.

    - Good: By and large I enjoyed both the models and the art style

    - Good: Lots of sex and several difference fetishes

    - Bad: I couldn't tell you what the story was if you put a gun to my head. There were a few different themes floating around, but about 2/3 of the way through I got bored with them.

    Worth noting, as neither good nor bad, there are really no choices to make in this game, it's purely kinetic.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The history falls short , the game needed more choices it was just crtl to the next sex scene, another poor thing was that the readhead girl just dissapeared , the art is good btw. Would play a sequel to know what happens next
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good kinetic novel. Story doesn't make much sense and there's way too much talk during sex scenes.
    But the game has a simple fetish many devs unfortunately ignore - impregnaiton/pregnancy. That part done well and I could easily rate it 5* if the story itself or dialogs were just a bit better
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    To begin with, a kinectic novel is barely a game and is more like a book. Nonetheless, they can be enjoyable. Ain't nothing wrong with reading a manga or a book every once in a while. If you're a kinetic novel, then don't give me choices, since they're worthless anyway; this is the first gripe I have with this.

    That aside, the quality and consistency of writing in this VN is a bit below standards. The story jumps around seemingly at random; the protagonist will make references to commands he gave that we as viewers didn't get to see and directly contrast with commands we did see (such as the protagonist saying he ordered the people to wear clothes in the house again even though it hasn't been two days since we first read him give the command for them NOT to wear clothes in the house).

    The characters also feel a bit... weird in how they behave. Anna particularly is the biggest offender of this, because she does a complete turn around on the MC which is not explained solely by the brainwashing since the brainwashing didn't modify them to be friends, only for her to be aroused with him, and yet somehow she's all buddy buddy with him when Willow enters the picture. It's weird.

    Nonetheless, this game's got some nice fetishes in it, the writing is good for the sex scenes and the art is pretty fucking good, so if you can get past the minutia of the story inconsistencies (which honestly who kinda cares since this is mostly a glorified CG-grabber for you to fap to anyway) this is a pretty good game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a game.

    All choices do nothing in this story. You can only change the "land lady" and the "room mate" to the obvious sister and mother incest story it actually is.

    The story itself seems fucked up but I skipped almost all of it though idk.

    Art is pretty good and there are enough sex scenes but I didn't like the whole setting.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a VN without choices with 2D art and heavy focus on impregnation/pregnancy fetish. It has decent writing, quality of art is high. Quantity of pictures is well balanced between keeping the game hot and spending minimum time for drawing.

    Story is the weakest part of this game with inconsistent time flow at the beginning, strange and abruptly closed story ark with the redhead, unclear and changing power limitations of MC. I feel the simple goofy power origin like "MC jokingly tried hypnosis and it worked!" would do much better than this half-assed mesopotamian thing.

    If you are into pregnancy - check this game out!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    It's certainly nothing groundbreaking in terms of story. You wake up, you have magical mind control powers, you seduce women in your household who totally aren't related to you hahaha.
    Not one bit!
    For real though, the game takes inspiration with Akabur games. However, unlike Akabur games, it has substantially more art. As this game is extremely generous with amount of fucking you do.

    And unlike Akabur games, it doesn't blueball you for several hours until you get a single good scene or grind enough.

    One of the strongest points is the character design. All of the characters are extremely appealing with some absolutely stunning art. Absolutely gorgeous.
    Character personalities themselves are very distinct, even if a bit generic.

    Other strong part is dirty talk. Essential to a game like this. Even if it's quite repetitive.
    Game could use more lesbian scenes between the ladies for sure though. Not them being in a same scene but rather doing stuff together.

    Overall, highly recommend checking it out, as the game is also finished.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    A (really good) CG pack with some trappings of a (pretty crappy) game

    I usually avoid writing less than glowing reviews, but the art style for this was so amazing, the game felt even more disappointing as a result.

    I'd love to say it's a great first effort, but it actually isn't. There are lots of games where the story is just an excuse to get from one sexy scene to the next, but this story is less than that.

    For instance, if you changed the hypnosis part of the plot to "they all look at the MC and see their boyfriends' faces", the story would actually be improved, and most of the scenes would make a lot more sense. When you make a hypnosis-based kinetic novel / linear game, all you have to do to keep things interesting is to slow down the progression of character corruption and add a few real challenges to the MC's path. The voice in his head was interesting, but then it kinda just disappeared, and it made no difference to the plot in the end.

    Credit where credit is due, these are among the best and most unique drawn characters I've seen on f95. In fact, if someone (preferably Whiteleaf) could just use this art and create a whole other game, I'd be all for it.

    Hate to do this to the illustrator, but I can't do better than one star for the art and for the
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    references (which were also sadly underutilized), and good luck with your next game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much to say about this one. A decent household incest harem deal and it does a pretty decent job in terms of the smut. The writing tho, it's just incoherent and disjointed, alternating between amateurish writing and some being trying to mimic a human. The plot constantly keeps you guessing the character's actions as the writer breaks their own rules every so often. The relation between the characters are also a weak point since instead of gradual development things just happen out of nowhere. The art is pretty decent when it's fully drawn CGs but they are few and far between as most scenes are sprite based and then there are the "animations" in those scenes which are like 2 frames of only the colliding parts on loop alternating for the entire scene while the faces and other limbs and objects are stiff. I wish they didn't go for this and instead just had drawn full CGs with alternating frame variation that comes up as the scenes progress.

    It's not that bad for a quick read but my god that font is unreadable. The VN also needs a gallery.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is beautiful, girls are very hot, variety is great, so much scenes with good transition time, much love, great story. Scene repeater for specific girls would be nice. Looking for more games from this illustrator
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Tamas Awakening is a fairly solid game, good for a quick playthrough.

    The artwork is pretty good, but most of the animations are just 2 frames alternating with most of the body being pretty stiff. Pregnancy content is on the forefront, and there's a decent amount of content through various stages of pregnancy.

    The story, characters, and dialogue are definitely the weak points of the game. There's a mind control aspect that has basically no rules (i.e. every time it's used, the effects are different - sometimes they become mindless zombies, other times they are lucid and just highly suggestible, and sometimes they just do what the player character tells them to) and is just a tool to fuck the family quickly. There's a little bit of lore throughout the game about the origin of the character's powers, but this plot point (the ONLY plot, really) goes largely unresolved by the end. All the characters are 1-dimensional, they basically get one personality trait at the beginning of the game and that's all (e.g. sister is a bitch, one cousin is religious, the Mom is...the Mom). They have no interests, hobbies, daily activities, etc. to speak of and once "corrupted" literally the only interactions are to have sex. Most of the dialogue is pretty stiff and repetitive. I appreciate the dirty talk, but 90% of it is just the same basic idea repeated four times in a row over and over.

    Overall, a decent game worth checking out if you like pregnancy or the idea of sex slaves. If you are looking for a good story or interesting characters, there's nothing to find here. The game is also quite short for a completed 2D kinetic novel with 3-years of development, maybe 4-5 hours, at most, depending on reading speed.

    I'd give it a 7/10 - rounded down to 3 stars because the default font is horrific and there's no in-game option to change it.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I mean sure a visual novel with linear story is cool and saves the "hustle" and the art is pretty good.
    But I wished it to be just a bit more.

    This is a completed game and I just didn't see my self enjoying the full content of it, I got bored by the linearity after few hours.