I need 6 and 14, but I don't know what they are.The achievements I'm missing are 1, 6, 8, 9, 10 & 14.
Here:I need 6 and 14, but I don't know what they are.
There's at least one translation application but I don't recall which thread I saw it in.someone know if it's possible to translate the game?
Some anti virus programs do that. Whitelisting the exe file might solve your issueCan I ask something really newbish... I (for the last few updates) have been getting an error message when I try to open the .exe file stating "Inusfficient system resources exist to complete the requested service."
Is this a problem with my PC or something I can fix? I've tried closing all other applications down although I feel it's something else entirely. Any suggestions? Again sorry for the off track and perhaps basic question.
None yetfor what is the use of the daughter underwear?
The developer doesn't interact with us here any more but there's a link to his Patreon site in the OP. You can contact him there.Friends hello I want to make a donation to add a turkish language option to the game.
how can I do that?
Thanks heaps Centurion! You are legitimately an amazing human being! This was one of my favourites and for so long now it hasn't been working. I thought for sure it was going to work on the next update... or the next... or the next.Some anti virus programs do that. Whitelisting the exe file might solve your issue
Centurion helped me fix this issue too. It was my anti-virus program blocking it.Hey for some reason every time I extract the files using WinZip and try to run TP.exe my computer prompts me with Error, insufficient resources available. Any suggestions to fix this?
on the previous page you have everything explainedis there a any cheat for money? I used save editor but it didn't change in anything :/.
Unpacking error - happens to me a lot on my Mac. What are you using to unzip the archive? I try Stuffit expander and Unarchiver on the Mac, and if both don't work move it to a PC and use 7Z - one way or another I can get a clean copy to play...I can't open Mac version. Please help me :''
The permissions might be messed up.I can't open Mac version. Please help me :''