Ren'Py Abandoned Teacher's Pets [v2.06.1] [irredeemable]

3.20 star(s) 40 Votes


Active Member
Jan 20, 2018
shit...all the good things that are the reason for me playing this game is still gone:FeelsBadMan: I'm unwatching I can't bear it degrading further from the start of a promising game..:WutFace:
There are mods that restore everything except pille


Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
This one should be tagged as abandoned, not really sure why the Mods aren't doing their job.

Deleted member 482284

Help me pleaseeee
Im stuck.
1. Blackmailed kait with heroin. Stuck where i can only give her beer and nothing else.
2. No conversation available
3.meghan she comes everyday and talks (romance is 56)
4.FEX give her the tickets after that nothin
Ps i only met dotty once in alley after that nothing.
Ps2 what is the point of cruise the streets i cannot do anything there.

It would greatly help is someone helps


Jan 11, 2018
How many time does this game takes you to play it? Im looking for a "big content" game which has a lot of scenes and a long story


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Not much, it's artificially stretched because certain events take their sweet ass time to show up, lots of images are missing too. If you want a game with a good chunk of gameplay you could try Milfy City, it offers quite a lot of content for a 0.1 version and I think a new one is due in the not so distant future.
Apr 21, 2018
Anyone have another walkthrough about this game? Coz walkthrough in OP so confused,
So far it seems these are the things you can do:

First day, just pick the good options during the conversions in school. For the drug dealer - right now, doesn't seem to matter at all, since the pill is removed. The MC can punch the guy and impress Zaitlyn. Alternatively, saying the MC wants it will unlock his crib, and this is one of the two ways to obtain cocaine to be used in the Zaityln route.

Drink beer, which advance the time by 1 (there's early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night and late night) but increases the MC's corruption level, everyday the MC's corruption level drops and so does showering, but the drop is lower than the increase in beer, although the temporary amount in () will go away after a short time. the MC would needs a decent amount of corruption to do most stuffs.

Take the sleeping pill available at the shop plays one of the two dream scenes, one with Sara and another with Kaitlyn.

Wife - After (or since, no sure) the first day when the MC gets home, if the MC is at home during the evening, a cutscene will show and she will complain about the light being on. Pick the option that pleases her, and afterwards she should be in the master bedroom, talk to her about what happened, and pick the options that pleases her.

She would ask the MC to fix the toilet, at which buy the MC can buy the toilet fixing kit. Then fix the toilet.

Then chat with her and pick the options that increases her affection until she's ok with having sex, at which point she will want the MC to get a condom. Buy it from the store and the MC can bang. At which point buy the wine and ask her to drink it as often as the MC can, this will rise her corruption score and the MC can bang her without wearing a condom. With enough corruption level she can be boned without a condom. And that's pretty much it for the wife. The wife is easiest to work on since the MC can always find her in the master bedroom at late night, and late night lasts forever until you choose to sleep, bone her at late night, use the sleeping pill or drink a beer at late night, so the MC can work on her the last everyday.

Anne (the co-worker at school) - go to the lounge after the morning classes, ask about her day. You can talk to her about a student if your score with the student is to low, and it will raise it a bit. After a certain affection score is reached, going to the lounge will trigger a scene and she will ask the MC to accompany her to a guest lecture. During it, pick the right options and the MC would get to bone her. Note: the "continue" option increases romance score and can be done indefinitely. That seems to be all that's with her for now.

Zaitlyn - After the morning class, go to the locker room, she'll be there and just pick the options that piss her off the least. If the MC has a beer, drink it in front of her, again, pick the less bad options (read she hates the least) and agree to buying beer for her, a new type of beer will be available at the shop. After which the MC can buy beers and sell them to her in the locker, the MC can also give her the beers for free, and he can take a photo of her drinking, or just talk, which rises her affection. Drinking a beer in front of her at this point can rise her scores too. So basically drink beer and sell beer in front of her as often as you can, pretty much the only way to raise her scores.

If the MC roams the streets, by chance he will find a dark corner. And if the MC visits it at night or late night, randomly he can get encounters. If is the black drug dealer, buy the cocaine from him. If it's the prostitute, the only thing that matters is giving her 20 bucks (because otherwise you don't get a scene). The MC can then plant the cocaine in Zaitlyn's locker after the morning class and frame her for it. After which the MC can do it to get sex scenes. One thing to note is one of the blackmail options can end up raising her scores, but everything the MC does in the blackmail options drops her scores.

Randomly trigger after the morning class, and probably after planting the cocaine, in the hallway after meeting Zaitlyn in the locker room (and probably also Megan in the classroom), the MC can overhear that dude Zaitlyn was giving a BJ to talking to another student. Afterwards the MC can go to the locker room and tell Zaitlyn about Melisa (not sure if necessary, but it is a flag in the save file) and about Megan.

After which during a school day after the break (or maybe in the hallway, not sure), a cutscene will trigger where Kaitlyn is arguing with that dude. Call that dude a douche (I mean, I did even though it didn't seem to do anything). Anne the co-worker will show up, compliment her. After which intervene. After that compliment Sara instead of asking about Meg (since that does nothing).

A random encounter can occur in the locker where Zaitlyn would be changing. With high enough affection, romance and corruption she'd talk to the MC half naked. Although nothing else seems to happen.

Sara - After the morning class, go to the library, there's a high chance she'd ask for support for her campaign. Not sure if any of the accept options matters at this point, but must agree to her request. Immediately afterwards a male student will be in the hall way, pay him to get him to vote for Sara. After that go to the library another day, ask her the MC needs more for the deal. It's a flag in the save file so I assume it's important.

The MC can then randomly encounter Zoe (either in the Library or the hall), which the MC can get her to vote for Sara (you should, even if it decreases her affection).

If the MC goes to the locker, after meeting Zaitlyn there, at a random chance the MC spots her giving a blowjob to another dude. Take photo and blackmail the dude to break up with her, then blackmail Zaitlyn to vote for Sara.

After which during a class session it'd be announced Sara won, and the MC can go to the library and talk to Sara. You can talk to her, or blackmail her. After the first time blackmailing her, the second time and afterwards she'd relent.

Note that on the third talk with Sara, she will sell the MC 2 tickets for 200 bucks. You need to buy them to advance in the other routes. (see Megan and the "Canadian Exchange Student" below)

Megan - stay in the classroom after the morning class period, where the MC would encounter Megan. Pick the right options to proceed. Three encounters would be required, most of her options (throughout her route) are quite opaque so try the same scene a few times for optimal outcome. After which going to the classroom would only result in one talk option that increases affection.

After selling Zaitlyn some beers (5 according to what I've read, and I think it might have to be sold, not given for free), and probably high enough scrore with Megan, the encounter in the classroom would change, agree to help her out. Don't forget to go to the park on Saturday morning. The wife would ask the MC to mow the lawn. Doesn't seem to matter much if the MC does it and goes to the park immediately afterwards. Pick the right option afterwards, and during the dance, go further, and hold her hands. Go with the punches afterwards and after getting back home, the wife would talk about the lawn, she would like it if the MC did the chore and dislike if didn't. She would then ask the MC to get a new pair of shoes. The boutique would become available on the map.

If you haven't bought the DVD set from the shop, you should do so before preceding.

After which the MC must purchase the tickets from Sara in the library, give them to the wife and the "Canadian exchange student" when they are in the living room together at night (happens randomly). And then buy a dress from the boutique, go home to give it to the "exchange student". Note: be mindful to keep a bottle of wine in your inventory before the start of Friday

Once the previous is complete, on a Friday in the classroom after class, Megan will show up. At the end ask her to come to your home at night. Go straight home after work and a cutscene would start, go with the punches, but ask her to stay. When she wants something to drink, give her wine, she would not like it at first but it has to be done. Afterwards, tell her the MC loves her, or something. Pick the good option afterwards and that's about it for now.

(Just saying I love her route and am sad to see the game at the state it is now)

The "Canadian exchange student" - events related to her are triggered according to some flags. Pretty sure every Friday afternoon since the first week, a cutscene will trigger where she'd ask to be taken to a store to buy clothes. Basically at one point an option will increase her romance level, and after that you can do the following:

Randomly in the afternoon in her bedroom, if she is sitting in front of her computer, the MC can ask her about the new clothes. The MC can then ask her to try them on in her room if the MC got enough affection with her. At which point just pick the options you like, one of the options decreases her affection score in exchange for a scene, but you can always go back and pick the other if you don't want to lose it. At the end she gets +2 corruption.

Go to her bedroom at late night, with a decent corruption score the MC can pull off her blanket, and change angels. If go to the living room after this, the MC can adjust the thermostat, but at which point the wife would complain and a hammer will become available at the store. Turn up the thermostat and smash it in the living room, preferably when no one's there. After which she would sleep naked.

Speak to her when she's not asleep, she'd ask for a new phone. At which point the MC can buy it from the store. Give it to her but preferably not in front of the wife, as the latter dislikes it.

Randomly in the afternoon in a workday (if the MC goes home straight away after work), the wife wouldn't be home and the "exchange student" would be in the shower. If the MC have enough affection with her, she'd be fine with the MC saying he wants to watch. But she would tell him to go away this time. Everyday afterwards the MC can shower with her at the same time spot. During the shower, if the option to help her shower is picked, she drops affection but gains 2 corruption.

During a weekday in the afternoon, after the shopping, randomly the MC will get the cutscene automatically where she's in the living room watching TV. Pick the good options.

After some of (or all, no sure) previous scenes, if the MC goes to her bedroom in his underwear, probably at anytime, but maybe not late night, a new scene will trigger. If at the end the "love you too" option is picked, she gains 2 affection, but if the other one is picked, she gets 2 corruption.

After the previous scene, if the thermostat is broken, go to her bedroom at late night, pull the blanket or whatnot and the "wake her up" would become available. Whatever the MC does she would refuse to go further, and that's as far as the story goes right now. Also I've been told the Zaitlyn line is blocked because the blackmail segment was removed. I was using the restoration mod so there might be that.
3.20 star(s) 40 Votes