May 25 at 5:36am
Progress Update
Just want to give everyone a progress update. The basis of our moods system has been implemented, and each monster has its own moods cycle configed. It didn't turn out as fun as I wish, however I am prepared to make design adjustment, as the original design didn't fulfill the following two aspects:
It being too difficult, not even me as the developer can enjoy it
It interrupts the flow too much, for example, we couldn't bond consecutively with the same monster. It requires maybe even more brain power than the battle gameplay. So instead relax > intense > relax > intense flow of gameplay, we just have intense, which is not what I desire.
I am going to modify the system to be less action restrictive. Instead of not being able to do bonding or missions while under certain moods, we would have:
gaining extra/less experience and,
affecting results of the activities while under certain moods.
I also want to give you guys a heads up that in order for the moods system to function as intended, it would involve improving UI pop up, items, crafting feature, skin system for crafting feature, benefits of each monster, as well as modification of Intelligence and Train features. I will be starting with the last item (the modification of Intel and Train). An auto-save function is also in planning. Although not likely I will be able to finish all the tasks listed, I aim to release the next update during the second week of June.