
Apr 1, 2017
1. There was no statement by the dev that it is getting abandoned. The last message from him was in November where wrote that he is still working on it. Another one was in September where he said the same thing.
2. There is no solid proof that the project is no longer worked on - he did another art stream recently so he is pretty much active. He is usually making a post once a commotion starts here so no radio silence from him. I doubt his patreon is milking money from people, 600 greens he makes is not a big sum, and he is only posting stream announcements there.
The Abandonded tag is exclusive to f95 setting, it doesn't represent the state of this game particularly.
The problem is he has stopped making a detailed progress reports years ago and that triggers trolls and people who don't want him to get any cash, cause they aren't seeing anything from him either and seeing others still donating him, makes them question his goals.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Hm. The game isn't Abandoned btw. The updates are just far apart since the dev has to learn a new engine. It'll be on Unity.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
It's probably simpler than that. F95 flags games as abandoned once sufficient time has passed since the last update (6 months is the rate that most seem to claim), which is also inconsistent in and of itself since it's likely not done autonomously and added by a moderator who happens to pass by. The game hasn't seen an update in years by now so it's more odd that it wasn't tagged as such sooner.


Sep 10, 2018
I think a lot of people don't understand just how much time and effort it takes to convert games like this from flash to another engine entirely. Especially when that creator might not fully understand the engine. I feel like Trials in Tainted Space is a good example to show this as it took A LOT of time to fully convert the game from where it was at in the flash and get back there. Let me also remind you that there is essentially a full team working on TiTS where as this game is a single person. Unless you understand what it takes, STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT.


Jun 28, 2020
Ehm... I finished the 1st main Island more or less and dont know how to progress further. Have I reached the end already? I cant open the iron doors on the east mountains and neither can I get around the Coast Wall. Has that been it then for me?
Edit: I also used the small boat for the smaller Island in the north. But other than that, no travel locations.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
There about even, though obviously some content is gender specific last I checked. Some of the unique NPC's in particular have gender criteria that doesn't allow further interaction if you are the opposite of that criteria. Either has plenty to do though, so playing either gender should be fine. If you're the completionist type, it's recommended to playthough both genders to see what's different in these interactions.


Apr 19, 2017
Although people here say that he's working on it, the last update was literally years ago, even if the game isn't ready, he could just release wip builds like he did in the past. People believe he abandoned the game, not because he said so, or he became inactive, but because he didn't release anything in a very long time. I personally don't believe that after so many years he doesn't have anything to show in a new build.

So, for me, the game is dead, until he releases a new build. Which, might take him another 3-4 years or more.

And don't get me wrong, i like the game, and i still have hope that he will release a wip build and soon, but i won't hold my breath.
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Sep 17, 2017
Working on the game means nothing when you haven't released a update in years and refuse to acknowledge it yet continue to do "art streams" with the patreon money for the game to make art that will never make it into the game because you aren't working on it. Before you say it, No the patreon is not for his art, otherwise there wouldn't be a full time goal. It's for the game. More people know about Teraurge then they care about Meandraco's art streams and it'll be a real shame when V3 releases and its 3 scenes with shitty canvas sketches with purple shading instead of actual art that's supposedly been in the making for three years.
At this rate we have a better chance at the super deepthroat dev coming back to life and releasing a update.
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Jul 14, 2018
yet continue to do "art streams" with the patreon money for the game
Before you say it, No the patreon is not for his art, otherwise there wouldn't be a full time goal.
And if you notice, he hasn't reached that Full Time development Goal, so for now until then, its the Meandraco Patreon, not the Teraurge Patreon. Its throwing some money to MD because you like what he's doing, what Patreon-esque services should be like. Not "Let's fund an entire game's development".


Sep 17, 2017
And if you notice, he hasn't reached that Full Time development Goal, so for now until then, its the Meandraco Patreon, not the Teraurge Patreon. Its throwing some money to MD because you like what he's doing, what Patreon-esque services should be like. Not "Let's fund an entire game's development".
How is a full time development goal not "funding the entire game's development"? What patreon should be like doesn't change it from what it is, and there ARE alternatives for exactly what you think Patreon should be.


Jul 14, 2018
How is a full time development goal not "funding the entire game's development"?
If we're going to be extremely pedantic and say any money thrown to MD is funding the game, then yes you are correct. But since he, as he himself has said before, works on the game on the side, I'd argue the money going to him is mostly funding MD rather than the game. Until the goal is reached, it will stay that way, once it passes, then the opposite is true.


New Member
Jan 1, 2021
I’m very patient when it comes to update releases but if the update doesn’t release this year I actually give up having hope cause this has gone quite awhile. Another unique game gone to the abyss. Ive seen really good games that have been made by an individual or two and they fire out updates less than a year.
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