Hey, i remember that 2-3 years ago, when V3 was about to be released after august, shortly after a stream or so. Don't know what's the catch, but i definitively was waiting to see that V3, and checking systematically. The game has good rpg core, and, duh, gameplay; which you don't see often.
Tho I can understand the point about patreons, it's not like he's some ex-Breeding Season developer.
- Give us more animations.
- Here's that and this.
- Ok, now give us more animations.
- Nah, take this and that.
- Give. Us. More. Animations.
- Here's a shit tone of drama and btw, you're mean, we cancel the game.
And those guys had 10-20k per month.
A circus that will remain in history my memory.
Anyway, there may be some disappointment after the release of V3. 3 years, one could expect something big. And if it's not, there's gonna be some frustrations. It might just be decent, and being free - that's already noice.