Yet she feels embarrassed and ashamed of it, clearly cowardliness is not a pleasant trait
"Dont be ashamed of who you are"?!
But entire population of...the fuck game world named is...treat animal fuckers as sick fucks. Which is.....strange.
Because there are no clear line between animals and self consciousness creatures. Like that white snek from puddle, at first meeting asks something like "talker or biter?". So, technically, there are difference between animals and...well not animals, that inhabitants of a world aware of.
But on practice there are no difference at all. That black sea snek, for example. If you beat the shit out of it, collar and then 'rap' it, in next encounter she behaves like "hey, lets fuck, no homo". And if you try to talk with her and asks "can you talk" she only roar and move her head from side to side in "clearly not" gesture. So she understands you, but cant talk. Other 'animals', in quotations, also behave in similar way, i.e. they understand, even if partially, you motives and actions, but cant talk in a literal sense of this word. Birds from red island are like that, that Gigers horny dream fuckers from forest, milk tankers too....So they not
just a dumb animals yes???....or no????....
Which brings us to moral and philosophical dilemma "what, or rather who, we should consider an equal, as a non human like being?".
Those who can talk only should be treated and respected as equal creatures and that who doesnt is not? Than we quickly move to racial segregation on a interspecial...interspecies...galactical scale. "Hey you, can you say flugegeheimer? No??? Send
it to the auschwitz!!!!"
Or if no, than is hunting and eating other creatures are morally acceptable and not some form of "intellectual cannibalism"??? Because if they self consciousness creatures, and you eat them...does it mean you also can be viewed as food by other world inhabitants?
Than what to do in such situation? I dont know, Im even not qualified enough to talk on such theme. There are no even such theme in general in any known philosophical schools dedicated to this specific problem.
So shut the fuck up and fuck everything that moves. Left boring nerd stuff for future generations. They figure it out somehow...probably...or not...