After playing a bit more i have to say ... this game is critically under-advertised.
Years ago i have discovered Corruption of Champions by happenstance and i loved it. Since then i have scoured the internet for similar games every half year or so, and i played many, but this one NEVER EVER showed up.
I found it only recently, and only because someone mentioned xeno-phillia on /9 gag/, AND in comments someone posted link to MD artwork, AND under that, someone else commented link to TU blogspot site.
If i wasn't a fearless weird link explorer (of which, i guess, there aren't many), i would have never found this hidden gem of a game.
I think this game needs severely more advertising .. at least in form of Fan Art on sites like e 621 or fur affinity, where ... similar .. tastes? are .. appreciated? (for instance, compare the amount of accessible CoC artworks, and TU artworks, on e 621 by tags..)
I think this game has good enough writing to equal and possibly outperform games like CoC, and it covers 'niches' that are not to be found absolutely anywhere else.
I wish there was more Fan Art posted, more pictures even from the game itself available... for free! (to 'guide' the 'target audience' in) etc... I'm sure, some of the art, even now accessible in the game, could attract people and bring more support and money for MD and other people that partake on development of this (at least by my standards) beautifully weird and enchanting game.
PS: I'm super heartbroken for Vuisul. I mean, i know the grimness of the world is what makes it feel real, but.. how can you play with my heart like this .. i keep making up tons of story in my head ONLY to deal with how the game .. brushes off.. her relationship .. i was never interested in anything even remotely Insectoid, but this game and writing is breaking me apart ... the story just begs, for me to battle dragons, to find antidote to her poison ... so i can gather her in my arms and hug the shit out of her. I refuse to believe this is all Vuisuls story arc can offer. I beg of you! Give her more life! Or allow others to do so, and/or show me da Way to help you!