-The perks 'Submissive Tendencies' and 'Bimbo brains' don't work. They just do nothing.
I can verify that both perks are working as intended. Bimbo Brains is dealing with a relatively small time frame for example, going from 120 vs 180 frames of immobilization when escaping a fight. So it's probably just hard to perceive the difference. Those default times may need adjusting a slight, but in the end I can feel the difference myself with vs without.
As for the Submissive Tendencies perk, the issue there is the way I worded it poorly and already had some discussions about it since release. Its description will be updated in the next release. It's only supposed to count for voluntary submissions (Using the "Submit" option from the combat menu). It's not supposed to trigger when players submit AFTER being overpowered. The idea was the players shouldn't be able to have their cake and eat it too. So you get the 50HP and 1END if you use the submit move in combat. But not if you pick the submit choice after being overpowered. It's supposed to incentivize submitting upfront over fighting.
-'By a thread' works I think, but has poor feedback to show it working.
There's a comment about that one in the known issues. The planned undress/dress system didn't make it into this build in time, so for now, instead of rolling to see whether the outfit piece was damaged, it rolls to give Tiffany a free Outfit Repair Kit as a refund. This is because once I have the undress/dress system in place, each outfit piece will have it's damaged state tracked individually behind the scenes so I will be handeling it different and you'll get a notification.
-There are a number of perks to increase fertility, but that doesn't actually DO anything for gameplay purposes, except 'Pregnable Offence', which is capped at 75% fertility. Maybe add an additional 5% bonus for every 5% over 75?
I may consider an additional tier to this perk. But, (and I probably forgot to mention this in the changelog, so it's only mentioned in the skills page for Breeding) excess fertility over 100 at the end of each day is converted into Breeding Skill exp when Tiffany sleeps. So it does have some purpose/will have some more purpose when the skill rank bonuses come into effect in the next release.
-'Motherly Instincts' and 'eggsellent' both rely on a mechanic that do not yet exist in the game. Maybe gate them behind progress so as to not run the risk of players gimping themselves early?
That is why they also give +5% fertility. To contribute to the Pregnable Offence perk and the Breeding exp system described above. Also, while right now it's not calculated until birth(which can't happen yet), in the next release, I'll be making it so that whether or not Tiffany gets twins will be determined at the time of impregnation since that makes more sense anyway. So that one will have an effect even if you can't give birth until later.
-Upgrading melee damage is a no-no, as after grabbing the VITAL dodge and accuracy upgrades, dumping points into Attack will quickly cause it to outpace the 9mm in DPS, making both it and its ammo worthless. Can't outpace the Shotgun yet, so that's still useful against heavy targets that don't quite die to a single knife swing.
Thanks for the headsup. Yeah, I will need to tweak how many points you can put into ATK/How much of a boost each stat point gives. To be fair, I haven't had much time for testing the balacing of all these new changes so this is exactly the type of feedback I'm looking for. That being said, the 2x 9mm shot move cobined with the +%10 crit chance with 9mm (Taking Head) can still outpace melee if you roll well.
-WTF is with these 5.56 rounds everywhere? Don't drop those until the player has had the chance to GET the Hunting Rifle... or Assault Rifle... or whatever rifle you're planning to use with those, since it isn't in the game yet.
I agree. The idea is that once the v0.10 full release is out, people will then play through the game and keep their save files, so it is better for them to have the ability to start stocking up on some of the other ammo types if they want. Otherwise, I will introduce that weapon type and ammo type at the same time, but if players have already looted most areas they will be forced to buy all the ammo. Ofc, maybe that's fair enough.
However, I will just point out that you can't actually find any 5.56mm rounds as loot except for in the safe in Ali's room on the 4th floor of the Casino on Day 3. And that's so that you can return it to her when you meet her in v0.12.
What you can find in loot is not 5.56 rounds, but the casings, which is a crafting ingredient. So while you can't use 5.56 atm, crafting them still serves the function of gaining crafting exp. I know that's not a great reason right now, but I'm just explaining my logic for you.
-Max HP, Defense, and Agility are all worthless. There is literally one boss and the Auto-turrets that deal health damage, and Tiffany already outspeeds everything in the game thus far. Perhaps instead of ending combat after a submission, deal HP damage and continue after the fight? Agility could give overworld movement speed, that'd be nice...
I didn't have time to implement it yet, but HP & Defense will also affect ovum hp/def in the next release. Beyond that, also in the next release, I will make it possible to survive a blast from the landmines if the player has enough HP/Defense. This will allow you to bypass areas blocked off by them (there will also be a seperate way to defuse in a future version) Also, while there are only 4 boss fights that deal HP damage at the moment, there will be more in the future, including some generic human "bandit" like enemies in certain sections.
As for Agility, there are actually some enemies that will move before Tiffany in combat if she never puts any points into it. Also, Agility affects the chance for Tiffany to escape combat, so it can be worth it just for that reason for some players who want to skip fights the quickest.
-Once Hunger and Thirst matters, players will need notifications when it goes below thresholds, or they'll never notice.
Notifications are inplace for when it gets under a couple of rather low thresholds. But I will revisit this to make it more clear regardless.
-Preventing the player from eating Endurance items if they're full is merely annoying, as you can dance in place a bit to lower the stat and then eat it anyway.
Yeah, that's fair enough. I've been considering that myself lately.
Thank you for the feedback.