Having played a little bit more I feel like I have some feedback to give:
Overall a very interesting and addictive game. I really like the system with the three different resources and the win and loss conditions. The choice of pictures is also great.
One thing I've felt is that drawing cards is too good. I think the problem is consistency. There are a lot of situational cards: You want enough block, but too much is wasted, you want resources enough to buy the cards offered to you, if you have resource doubling cards you want them together with the resource they double and so on. The problem is that as your deck grows the chance of drawing too many of the same type of card becomes larger. You can end up with 2 cards that generate block, one that doubles your mind resources, one that gives TF equal to your mind resource and 1 TF card for instance. The solution to this is to have a lot of draw 2 or more cards in your deck, allowing you to have fewer each of the situational cards and instead focusing on drawing enough cards to get what you need. I would suggest that you look into ways of increasing consistency that don't involve drawing cards. One way would be to offer a mulligan: Giving the player the chance to discard any cards in their starting hand and drawing a new one.
Edit: One idea for a way to get the consistency of card draw without being able to play your entire deck every turn is to have cards that allow you discard and redraw. I suggest that an interracial theme might fit here. Some example cards, cost and effect would obviously need to be balanced: "Forget your boyfriend: Generate 1 lust, replace up to 1 card", "Refilling the nest: Generate 2 lust, replace up to 2 cards", "Never going back: Add 2 submission, replace up to 3 cards", "Black is better: Add 2 lust, 2 submission, until the end of the turn add 1 TF for every card you discard.
Edit 2: Guess who just beat ascension level 9 without drawing a single extra card! I've been experimenting with feet. It's ridiculous, and ridiculously luck dependent, but it can work.