So. While I DID have a backlog when I originally posted in this thread, that is a thing of the past. Partly because most H-games are pretty short, or they're lengthened via the kind of filler that I eventually end up cheating my way through. *Ahem*
I was leery of grabbing this one, seeing as the translation was made on 1.00, when the game is at 1.52 officially, but after I poked my nose through dlsite, it looked as if most of that was minor stuff. The only thing that I might have cared about was the fact that it seems that some "non-story" scenes are missing from the gallery.
I really, REALLY hate it when stuff is missing from the gallery... at leas usually.
I decided to bite the bullet anyway and see what's missing myself, while also at least enjoying the story.
For anyone who wonders about what is missing...
Apparently, it's just the generic NPC rape sequences, and the Dark Merchant rape sequences... and there's not much difference between them. Visually, that's basically two images of the generic lower half of a girl with barely anything shown. Text-wise, a few lines, with the split being that the Dark Merchant gets another line or two about how much she loves being monster raped.
As far as I can tell, that's it. Everything else is still there, including a bonus from Artemis Pearl. Y'know, this game's predecessor, but not its prequel, they're in different worlds/settings. Weird that it got taken down, it has literally just one shota scene, and we have several games I could name off the top of my head with waaaaaaaaay more controversial and obvious loli/shota content that haven't been taken down. How I hate double-standards...
Tangent aside. Thanks again for the translation. While the whole thing is simple as usual for a Hentai game, the story wasn't bad by H-game standards, and it did try to avoid some of the more glaring plot-holes one might have expected from this sort of game. It's too bad that there wasn't more variety in terms of monsters and monster scenes, but, compared with the little monster-content in Artemis Pearl, you can definitely see a measure of improvement, and that's with so many girls being involved complicating the amount of art that's necessary.
Also. I've had absolutely no issues with this game whatsoever. No crashes. No stutters. Nothing. Dunno if it's because I'm using a genuine gaming laptop that can handle a lot more than a small H-game, or because I play so many of these things that I'm set-up for them comfortably... but the whole thing was perfectly smooth.