
Mar 9, 2018
i have fullsave, but i think it bug. i can't use purple crystal anymore and somehow stoneman gone before i kill him


Oct 29, 2017
Hi everyone, I have been suffering from a low resolution problem (image quality) on full screen, I remember in versions prior to 0.80 I could fix it, but I have forgotten what the trick was to fix it, does anyone else suffer from this and know how to fix it?
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2021
Hi everyone, I have been suffering from a low resolution problem (image quality) on full screen, I remember in versions prior to 0.80 I could fix it, but I have forgotten what the trick was to fix it, does anyone else suffer from this and know how to fix it?
Well resolution always look wack the moment you change it
I take it that you enabled full screen using the F1 controls? Have you tried restarting game?


Oct 29, 2017
Well resolution always look wack the moment you change it
I take it that you enabled full screen using the F1 controls? Have you tried restarting game?
I do, every time I restart the game.
Last year, in version 0.82 I managed to play in full screen and with a good image quality without black bars... I barely remember how I did it, When you play in full screen always happens this scaling/resolution problem or is it just mine? (I have run the game on 2 different PCs with the same result)

I leave this image of the difference between a year ago and now.
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New Member
Feb 3, 2018
any reason why all old download links got purged?
Author probably became aware they exist and took them down for copyright violation.

That being said, is the latest version still being shared by dm? Would anyone be so kind as to drop me a link


May 4, 2020
I tried to pay legitimately and it was so ass backwards and confusing compared to any other paid for porn site I couldn't claim my reward. I've backed stuff like this before on patreon so its not like I've never done this. With a system that confusing he deserves to be pirated.


Jan 17, 2021
this game sure loved to randomly crash when moving from section to section, just gonna redownload the game and see if that fixes it


New Member
Feb 3, 2018
I think I've managed to fix the teleporting problem in v0.95 by making a frankenstein with the chinese and english versions' files. Just find and replace the project.json file of the 0.95 version (Resources/data/) and it should work.

Haven't played through the whole game with it so it's untested, just a warning.


New Member
Sep 16, 2020
Can somebody send me the link for 0.94 please? I am not stupid, I can read that I should PM someone but I can't send PMs for some reason.


New Member
May 23, 2020
anyone can show me the location of the nipple chain?
A guide on how to get all of the unique experiences this game has to offer (version 0.94)

Full of spoilers, obviously.

CG's usually have 2 descriptions, one virtuous and one corrupted, depending on how far along corruption is. If you're collecting all, make sure you save the game before letting any creature rape you, and then letting it happen 3-4 times so you'll also get the corrupted version. Then reload the one where you're still a virgin and move on.

1. "Knocked down by slugs"

Can be done in the very first room. Let yourself be knocked down by slugs, then don't get up. If you've got 2 groups of slugs on your body, then find a third and it will quickly remove your clothes and health. When you fall down and you're playing the uncensored version, you'll get the CG.

2. "Attacked by huggers"

This one is slightly harder, because it takes quite a bit into the game until you find places where you have just huggers, instead of huggers and slugs. Huggers are the creatures that sometimes come from eggs and are like the creature you see in "alien" movie wrapping around head (or also waist in this game).

The easiest and earliest place to unlock this is from the beginning screen, going north twice. (of course you need to unlock the second north by following both the east and west paths and pulling their switches).

Once you do get to the place north twice from the start, you can let one hugger attach to your body, leave the screen, come back and let another attach. Once you've let two attach, the third one will just attack. Be sure to kill the slugs first so you ensure the hugger instead of the slug CG.

3. "Hot spring tentacle"

From the third treasure room (the third time you meet the stone guy, just beyond the capra village), you can go south and then south west. There is a tainted bath and if you go into it, you'll get this CG.

4. "Swallowed by giant slug"

You can't get this one if you've already defeated the giant slug. You have to start a new game in that case. There's a giant slug in the flame area and if you let it (b)eat you, you'll get this CG.

5. "Captured by mimic"

Going east twice from the first new unlocked teleport location, you hit the first treasure room with stone man. Going east from there you'll see a chest that is really a mimic. Let it catch you and don't escape and you'll get this CG. Like the Giant slug, you'll have to restart if you've killed both mimics. They don't respawn. If you've only killed this one, you can still get it by losing to the mimic in the capra village.

6. "Ambushed by tentacles"

If your health is low and you walk on top of one of the damaging tentacles in the semen pools, they'll grab you instead. There's additional versions than just corrupted/virtuous for this: They'll be slightly different if you were still wearing clothes or were already naked.

7. "Become tentacle seedbed"

After tentacles ambushed you, there is a big dangerous one that follows you when you try to escape. If you fail, it will turn you into its seedbed for a while. This also makes the game easier as tentacles will treat you differently after.
This has 3 versions instead of the usual 2: If you are wearing the buttplug, or put it on during the escape, you can use the purple crystal to teleport to one of the treasure chambers. If you chat with the stone man, he will tell you that you can also willingly offer yourself to the seedbed. You can teleport to it with the purple crystal and volunteer being a seedbed, you dirty whore.

8. "Goatmen gangbang"

Losing a fight to goatmen in most places results to this. There are a couple of places where something uniquely different happens instead.

9. "Sleepsex with the giant black tentacle cluster"

Find the big tentacles of the tentacle path, let yourself get hit by them. Thanks Whotfisthis

10. "Parasitized by invisible snake"

There are a couple of invisible snake near the end of the game. Let them defeat you and put a parasite in your womb, and you'll get this one.

11. "Tentacle suit backfire"

Wear the tentacle suit and get your health to 0. The tentacle suit is obtained by going south from the 3rd treasure room where magic doesn't work and continuing south east and following the path until you find a place where there's a kind of grating on the north wall and if you put your hand in, the tentacle suit will attach to you. Ew.

12. "A little experiment"

If you keep talking to the stone man and doing the things he asks you to do, he'll ask you to capture a goatman at some point. He'll teach you a new spell and he'll tell you you need to be wearing the tentacle suit to power the spell. The spell is very short range, and the first time you try it, it will fail. You have to talk to him again, then find a goat again, and this time it will work at trapping a goat. Walk back to the stoneman, and you'll get this CG.

Talk to him again, and he'll ask you to do it again. Do it while wearing a hypno hood (those things that shoot pink mist and attach to your head and sometimes make your movement go haywire), and you'll get a different CG than the first time.

If you are having trouble unlocking this, put on the tentacle suit before talking to him. If you can't put it on, corrupt yourself until you can (get fucked a lot).

13. "The sacrifice and the succubus ending"

Quite far in the game, there is an insanely strong goatman boss. When he defeats you, you'll be imprisoned with your arms bound behind in strappado position. You can escape behind the boxes and arrive in a new area. If at that point you'll lose all health or have one of the goatmen spot you, you'll get the succubus ending.

14. "Get help from anita"

Get a penis wasp between your tits, go to the stoneman, cast his spell. Then talk to anita. Thanks Whotfisthis

15. "Black Shadow Corruption"

One room before the final boss fight, you have paths east and west. On the west path, there is a dark room with a chest. You'll be warned before going to the chest. If you don't heed the warning, you'll receive the black shadow corruption CG.
Alternatively, lose to the big black shadow creature that roams the halls in the same west maze.

16. "Captive pet ending"

Fight the goat priest together with the mage woman and lose.

To get to the fight you have to:
* Find the sword-parry technique in the cabra village prison
* Talk to to phyra, the mage woman with the robe
* Get defeated by the mega goat priest (essential for progression anyways)
* Go back to where you defeated the priest and pick up the fragment
* talk to Phyra again
* Teleport from her to the boss fight

17. "Stuck in the wall"


18. "Bath attack"

There's some chance of being attacked when taking a bath with semen on you. It doesn't seem to be a very high chance and it seems to happen more often the more corrupted you are.

19. "Chinese name"

This is the ending if you choose "no" at the stone man boss after losing.


Other notable secrets:

A. Tentacle nipple

Have the creature that attaches to your nipples and talk to stoneman. He'll suggest going to secret village. If you do, you can find a brazier that you can lit on fire on the far west side of the map (easiest way is to crawl through the hidden spot in the left wall in the beginning). This will give you a unique tentaclebased nipple and buttplug creature attaching to you. If you safely go back, the stoneman will teach you how to milk yourself. Keep bringing him back milk and the quest continues.

B. Milkable cow slave

Alternatively, you can let the goats catch you both before and after you've activated the brazier and they'll start using you like a fuck-cow. Escaping is possible, if you can figure it out, but otherwise you'll live being led around on a leash, being fucked by goatmen, and milked. The area is a little bugged: if the goats capture you on the east side of the map, most of the tileset goes haywire and you'll have to walk around without being able to see the floor. Get caught on the east side of the map, and you won't have that problem.

Even if you completely continue to fuck up escaping, you'll eventually automatically escape. You can teleport back for more.
Warning: don't teleport out of there with the ring, it causes errors. Also save before going there. I've often had a permanent pregnancy that never ended when being impregnated during these events.

C. Slug teleportation

If you teleport the goatman after having been used by the slugs, he'll similarly offer to teleport you there.

D. Tentacle panty

If you're sufficiently corrupted, you can talk to the stoneman and he'll recommend that there is a chest that seems empty, but has something in it only for the truly perverted. Then from the 3rd treasure room go south and then keep going east. In the area with chains where there used to be shadows, there is a large chest somewhere with a tentacle panty in it.
can anyone show me the location of the nipple chain and what it takes to get it? I can't figure out what it takes for this
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