Hey everyone! Thanks for the comments so far, I've enjoyed receiving the feedback both positive and negative. I'll try and address most people's comments here:
A few users have experienced some issues with the UI, especially on the settings screens. We are working hard to rectify this and get a fix out as soon as we can.
The Art Style
The art style isn't for everyone, and we knew we'd have a Marmite situation on our hands. We aren't going to change it, as the team really like it and fits our overall vision of what we want to create. I think we've provided more than enough screenshots so people can get a feel for the style before they play - the last thing I want to do is waste anyone's time.
The lack of incest isn't due to Patreon or anything like that. I'm not against incest as a theme, but this isn't that type of story. Shoehorning it in would not make any sense whatsoever for the story we are wanting to tell. The Artist will not feature incest, it was never planned to be in and never will be - it is possible to have a fully functioning family dynamic that you don't fuck. We may explore this in future titles if it lends itself to the story we want to tell.
When talking about betrayal in the overview, this isn't reference to NTR or cheating of any kind which won't feature in this VN. It's a loose term used for ambiguity more than anything as to not give away anything relating to the story. Another user commented about it could be 'mistrust' and that would be a better way of interpreting it.
Solo Route
Yes, The Artist is a solo route VN. If solo routes aren't your thing, or you're not attracted to the solo route girl, then I'm sorry to say this most likely won't fit your bill.
Thanks again for taking the time to check out our VN - If you have any more questions or concerns then leave a comment!