Is there any badass good guy amongst one of those guys she can potentially cheat with or are they all bastards?
They're all unredeemable, especially that tatsou guy.
>Be this guy
>Having an affair on a deserted island
>Harbouring feeling to a woman who is in cock carousel because of him
>got rescued
>1 month later
>receive a mysterious USB
>plays the video
>"NOOO Natsumi why are you cheating with someone, I have been trying to win your heart over your husband"
>masturbate to the video while crying his love for natsumi
Do japanese really?
Note: 3 endings have the same outcome except a different guy for each ending (tatsuo is the only one getting cuck).
The other ending #4: Harem ending is where the husband leaves those 4 on their own device and moves on. The husband made a based choice so he won't be worrying about any alimony and/or child support.