Update regarding the port;
About halfway done, translated 150 maps out of 262 (maps = event dialogue). Initially I said I could finish before September because I used to be able to port at least 7-8 maps in an hour, up until I reached the point where I'm starting to port the fully voiced sexual events.
For context, the more voiced lines there are in a map, the more time consuming it is to port. So time consuming that my pace went from 7-8 maps per hour to a maximum of 2-3 maps per hour. On top of all that, some of the maps have added/removed/consolidated dialogue in the DLC vers., making it even more time-consuming since I have to machine translate those lines and edit it by context.
Considering there's 112 maps to go, each of which have AT LEAST 100 voiced lines, and I can allot at least an hour or two each day porting, I can't give any estimates anymore as to when the port will be finished. Certainly won't be anytime soon.
For now, here's the data folder with all of the ported dialogue so far. Just copy and paste it into the DLC vers. linked somewhere in this thread.