3.40 star(s) 87 Votes


Oct 21, 2017
Hello guys i am once again asking for your full saves, the last one posted is not full and i reaaally dont want to grind again. Thanks


May 8, 2022
You came into this thread the first time asking if the game was discontinued and then shortly after that the thread gets marked abandoned. You guys got what you wanted. Leave it be.
because its been 2 (3 if no progress update gets released by the 15th of November) WHOLE years since any update, and like i typed before, if you want any help, CG update, join his discord.
and im sure im not the only one whose getting annoyed on how many times he, "Delayed" his own TBD release date when he couldve just said,

"Game is under construction till further notices, will release possible CG of what to expect on my discord until 0.9 update is released for patreons only. Then a public release a few weeks after, Please feel join my discord if you have any further questions or have interest in this game.

Thank you again for your patience-Rannero.

PS Im the only one working on this project and have a family of my own and they're my top priority right now, so I ask anyone whose asking, when's the update, to be patient till further, official, notice. A huge thank you to my supporters"
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2017
Ngl if I won the lottery, I'd give it all to Rannero in a heartbeat just to release the game.
I mean I get what you mean but trust me even if this dude ends up making 500k/month on patreon I firmly believe he'll still refuse to hire anyone to speed up development. He has a very bizarre approach to work and cost efficiency.

I'll give him props for at least being self aware enough to pause payment cycles every now and then.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I haven't been around for a long time, I come back and I see a plethora bunch of posts talking about this and that, you lot sure love to talk and talk and talk and argue over a game you can play for free... In all respect for the programmer the pandemic doesn't count which is 2 years well technically we are still in pandemic rather we have to live with the pandemic. I would say give the developer more time 2 years of lockdowns on and off and avoiding virus getting virus its all crazy times.

Eventually everyone who comes into contact with society will catch the virus there's no escaping it, surely this developer also caught it maybe? I say why not give the guy a break, and if all else fails at least you got to play some of the game and for free. I'll just move on if he doesn't come back learn your lesson and don't pay for games that aren't completed, then you can create a movement to entice deveopers to finish their projects otherwise they won't get any money.

It's like I always say if all of us don't buy into DLC that are micro or macro transactions for in game content, developers would either stop doing it or put it up for free, if we all stopped buying their games, they will either give us free DLC with it or make no money. We all as consumers hold the power not them we just have to be in unison with one and other.


Oct 13, 2018
I am getting this error when opening the game.exe or Bct.Sizer.1.0.exe files, anyone knows how to solve it?

CoP Error.PNG

Hello bi nè

Mar 13, 2020
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on "Game.exe" to start playing.
2B - You will need the latest version of to be able to play.
U s*ck
3.40 star(s) 87 Votes