3.50 star(s) 84 Votes


Not Real Killer
Aug 9, 2018
I would like to highlight that ban at Patreon doesn't only mute, but also block access to developer updates. If we compare Steam store (btw, the most popular game shop) to Patreon, at Steam forum ban is only forum ban. If you ignore multiple moderator warnings (you must be insane), only then you get muted, but you can continue to play all games and follow all updates. Also, at Steam store you can find both positive and negative reviews, and it doesn't ruin Steam. At Steam forums now people often make ridiculous topics with titles "do not buy" or "do not pre-order" and I see it getting a pass. Those people, btw, complain about finished games they didn't paid for.:KEK: Criticism is ok, because it can be ignored.
criticism is fine, this forum also has review system. no one prevent them to give it a 1 star in the review.

I haven't read every post in this thread I come once in a while to see how it evolves so I don't know everything you said in this thread it was just the lack of logic or facts from the people complaining that I didn't find right.

Your 4 points are fair points, I do think that this drama might deter a lot of people from becoming patreons though, the main issue with your first point is that he can easily ban people or delete messages he finds "problematic" in his discord he can't here. ( Not saying he does it but he can if he chooses too )

Look I feel like you're moving the goal post, you said "I don't think those people have logic. They obviously don't consume any fact that doesn't support their opinion." from a comment who was oversimplifying complains. I'm not going to bother quoting the whole context you can just go back to your post that I replied to a page or two before. This had nothing to do with the 4 points you just made, people complain where they want and to who they want whether you find that meaningful or not. Complaining here might stop some people from becoming a patreon if that's their

You didn't say anything about the 4 points you just made, what you said points you to thinking the people complaining about Rannero have no logic and they don't consume and facts that doesn't support their opinion. Which is just plain wrong, there is a pattern with Rannero, anyone who uses facts and logic about him can see it. He took longer and longer to update the game at each update and he had excuses everytime.

And maybe the reason people don't discuss the routes, kinks, etc... much is because the game hasn't had anything new added to it in 2 years. And let's be honest this game story is basic, what is there to talk about ? If you want to talk story, routes, events, kinks, etc... It's not the right game for that from what I've seen there are no real "routes" you can miss events but it won't change the story ( at least from what I've seen ), the kinks aren't insane either and have been talked about a while ago, the only thing this game has to talk about is the art and Rannero's capacity to delay updates.
see, you also feel annoyed if you have to always quote what you/others has said.

when I said "I don't think those people have logic. They obviously don't consume any fact that doesn't support their opinion." it's pretty much the same case. the same complains have just come out from the same person for multiple times, and people also relied about those complains by pointing out some of those complains are not based on facts. which I don't want to go back to find it all. But those people still complain about the same argument based on inaccurate statement. This situation is why I came up with that statement. If I have to make all above crystal clear by quote everything that leads to my statement, I probably have to write an essay.

You can say I oversimplified the complains by that statement, because it is a SUMMARY of what I observed. I don't think a one-sentence summary can turn out to be full of details.

as for " He took longer and longer to update the game at each update and he had excuses everytime. " I don't know about every update time, since I first check this game after v0.7. Furthermore, if more content gets released with more development time. I don't think there is anything wrong about it. before a new version is released in the end, and we see how much content is there, I don't think it's fair to say that it doesn't deserve more development time.

people complain where they want and to who they want whether you find that meaningful or not. Complaining here might stop some people from becoming a patreon if that's their
you can also treat what I said is also complains about those complains. no matter whether they like it or not.

see, this attitude or bring topic to freedom of speech doesn't help anything.
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New Member
Mar 3, 2020
Just wait until 2023, maybe 2024.:unsure:
I'm going to play my new game first haha.
( Crimson Sin ) :lepew:
By the way, this game is updated once a year.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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May 16, 2017
Ploppity plop
No I'm not annoyed to quote everything I'm just too lazy and I remove the quote because it would make the post too long if I write a huge paragraph of text, I'm also too lazy to respond sentence by sentence and quote each sentence.

I feel like we're going to go in circles but you can complain about people's complain I just find that you misrepresented the constructive criticism people have with the game / Rannero. Now I'm not talking about the people bashing it with no knowledge about the situation at all, I'm sure it's annoying if you watch this thread every day to see people throw accusations or statements with nothing to back them up but putting the constructive criticism in the same sack as them is like me putting you in the same bag as the fanboys defending Rannero to death and act like he doesn't deserve any criticism.

The thing is, if the content we'll get for ~ 2 years of work is the same as the content we would get if he released an update every 3-6 months in the same time span then it's meaningless to space the updates so much. It's also makes patreons more trusting in you if you release multiple updates a year than if you release an update every 2 years. If that developement cycle works for Rannero fine by me, in the end I want him to finish the game that's why I supported him for quite a while I just don't think he will anymore.


Not Real Killer
Aug 9, 2018
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you can add a spoiler quote like this.

Yeah, actually I never argue with constructive criticism.

Stable release cycle is definitely better. However, not everyone is good at make scheduled milestone and follow it. Unfortunately, Rannero seems not one of them. And there are also scenarios where scheduled milestone is very hard to make (I am not saying this game development is one of them). He can definitely do 1 scene at a time and release it. It's just his decision to do quite a bunch, and I respect that decision.

"I just find that you misrepresented the constructive criticism people have with the game / Rannero"
But you need to understand, I can't give all the context about each of my statement.

If this release is too short, believe me, I will probably also complain here. But from what I see so far, I think it will be a release with quite some scenes. It's just not sure when we will get it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Oh shit its a good point, having a kid can change a person, quick someone send the developer hot porn to re-ignite him
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May 12, 2017
Guys.. how up lvl exposure?
This should help:
As everyone is saying, it is possible to get to exposure level 1. It just gets fairly confusing but this is what worked for me.
once back at the village
-see the doctor in the inn (he has a priest or someone with him)
-see uncle in the inn and meet him at the mine, guide him and a hot spring event plays out
-do the hide and seek event (go to the child at the north farm house)
-do the study event (the child at the inn, it ends up being 2 or 3 times)
-let Boo sleep over (he is in the center map near the right path, again 2 or 3 times)
-see the book merchant in the inn and you should be able to buy it now (500g)
-go home and read the book (right book shelf but you have to wait until night to read it)
-then you should be level 1 exposure and can see the tavern events (you can only remove your jacket as of now)
Hope this helps someone


May 16, 2017
But you need to understand, I can't give all the context about each of my statement.
Of course that's why I always follow the replies to find the context myself, this time the context was what I wrote a reply or two back. If you wrote that comment in the heat of the moment or because you were tired of seeing complains you found meaningless that's totally fine, just expect people to misunderstand your intention / thought since what you said doesn't match what you wrote.

I'm fine with everything else you said, it was a nice exchange honestly thanks for being respectful and taking the time to reply.


New Member
Jun 12, 2019
I need help.
Stuck and don't know what to do next.
At the moment after the murder of the bandits, he returned to the village.
Continued the branch with the children. I can't interact with them anymore. One says about the hot springs that are still being built. Others just don't provoke new scenes.
The tavern does not give a scene due to 0 exposure level. What to do with a painted picture and an adult book - I have no idea.
Jul 8, 2020
I need help.
Stuck and don't know what to do next.
At the moment after the murder of the bandits, he returned to the village.
Continued the branch with the children. I can't interact with them anymore. One says about the hot springs that are still being built. Others just don't provoke new scenes.
The tavern does not give a scene due to 0 exposure level. What to do with a painted picture and an adult book - I have no idea.
Painting: There is a regal looking man who will buy the painting. Look for him on the second floor, far right, of the Inn.
Adult Book: The first can be purchased from the man in the bottom middle room of the Inn on the first floor. There is a second book, but you must forward the relationship with Boo until I believe the second time you stay over his house. The book is on the shelf directly in front of his door. Books must be read during nighttime.
3.50 star(s) 84 Votes