Why is it everyone says this? Are you all really that weak? I have no problem going through Luna's story again just like I have no problem watching that dude from the last of us blow his fucking brains out again. Cause they're both great stories and they're both totally worth it.
Well, I mean everyone has different levels of tolerance (to dark, emotional stories), so I don't think being weak has got anything to do with it.
I went through Luna's story in full (without skipping) 3 times now already since that event's release, and I have no intention to go though it again in full (if restart was required, then I definitely would have used ctrl fast skip for that event, as well as all other events until I caught up to the update content).
If other people went through it for e.g. 10 times already and can stomach through it in full 11th time, then more power to them.
But as I said, everyone's tolerance level is different (some may find just going through once enough for My name is Luna. Some like me, may think 3 times is enough. Some may be okay with 10+ times and still have no problem with going through it again).
Noone is denying it's a great story nor saying it's not totally worth it (given the praise My name is Luna had gotten unanimously).
Just the fact how many times a person can stomach seeing that tragedy again and again, that's the crux of the matter.
And how each person deals with that varies, so I don't see why him (or others for that matter) saying he (they) doesn't want to see the event again should be an issue.