lol there's so many things wrong with your post that it left me dumbfounded for a moment.
Let's break it down, shall we?
Page 1 says the release date for v 9.6 here was 8 May last year, and it appears that he has been collecting patreon payments for a good while longer. A few dev's have been able to make their game a full time job, but for most it is a hobby.
And if I had been paying him patreon for all that time, I would probably be stomping around the room.
Hopes did say this is a hobby for him, multiple times in fact both here and on his Patreon.
So what is your point in this part here?
Also, with Patreon, yes there's the monthly Patreon subscription payments, but it's not like the Patrons were forced to continue supporting Hopes. That's not how Patron works.
The onus is on the Patreon subscriber him/herself on whether to continue supporting Hopes or unsubscribe and support another dev.
No, I think, if he has been neglecting this game for 9 months, we should call it that. If the dev were cultivating his player base, he could certainly make this his full time job, like dpc with bad.
What I see is that he put together just about the best game on f95 for season 1, ended it with a drop dead cliff hanger, and then took a nap. I am not convinced there will be a season 2 at this point. It is true he put up his Steam page 27 Feb this year. But f95 says the game is a lot older than that.
Before the steam release (he decided to go into full time with s01 steam), he had his own separate primary job (restaurant iirc), not to mention a back surgery, getting engaged, and moving into his new house.
Several irl stuff that he needed to deal with.
And perhaps if he didn't have those things happening, he might have done some more work on the game.
But to say he took a nap after season 1, and season 2 being doubtful (according to you)?
Well, that is flat out wrong.
I should know, I chat with him sometimes, and he does at times keep me in the loop; not like I think he owes me anything, but talking about the game with him, helping in for some stuff (such as discussing of the Codex, and testing the VN mode for him, as well as some ideas that I thought would be cool), he did share some stuff, which I share here as well with his permission.
And one of those things is that season 2 is definitely coming; there's even a screenshot of a season 2 scene which I ported in this thread hence he did work on s02 to some extent at least.
So please. Look things up before jumping to unfounded conclusions/predictions.
The origin date for this thread is July 2018, so that tells us how long he has actually been working on this. 9 versions in 5 years (up to last May). That is almost 2 versions a year. If you include the .6 with the 9, it is almost certainly 2 a year. Yeah, I'm feeling a little disturbed.
lol you're totally ignoring the time he took to develop the Contracts gameplay mechanics for v0.07 (which was quite a while).
Where's our droid friend
I remember him having the release schedules for one of his posts.