
Jul 11, 2019
Well, that went south real fast. I thought I made it clear I didn't see it as an attack nor was my reply and attack (on you nor your review). So no struck nerves.
But alas it's on the text so it not always that easy to see the intentions. So I will make it clear again- my reply was simply my view on some of your points. Doesn't mean you're wrong or right nor does it mean I am wrong or right. Simply my point of view.
First thing first "Btw if you'd like this text to be in the review so it's no longer just 270 words I'll happily oblige. Just say the word."
Absolutely not, nothing wrong with your review nor should you change the star rating. It's biased free and reflects your opinion on the game.

Now, I cannot disagree with the shit coding part. I am still learning to code and it's always changing.
But I do disagree with it being unnecessary. For me, it is part of the immersive elements on how he is progressing throughout the Family and the ranks. Could be done with events and such but that is a huge undertaking. Same with stats, they play a role for both immersions but also for future parts. (love stats give extra scenes and MC stats will affect the future) This game is in development so the framework of that part is in constant change. That does not mean I believe it should be removed. But improved? Yes of course.
Free-roaming and story sections are separated for a reason. It's for the players to control the pace. They do the more *serious* story by clicking the continue button (vn style) and they play around the free-roaming when they want to relax and develop relationships with the girls. This system has worked really well so far and the majority of the feedback on that playstyle has been positive. It can feel disjointed if you see the system as something that is supposed to be *combined* in the sense that both sections should give the same outcomes and results. They do affect each other but in the end, are separated for a reason and the game do tell that (even with an in-game help section to explain it)
"Fuck, if these are mafiosos there should be hookers around right?"
I have heard those kinds of stuff a couple of times now too. 'This is a mafia game so there should be A or B' but I am creating my own universe with my own ruleset. I don't do anything that is supposed to be (hence the weirdness of the game).
There will be strippers, hookers, minor characters, and so on. But I will not add it simply for the sake of 'game must have sexual stuff'. That feels artificial to me.
"The last point (lack of lewds) I feel can't be argued with"
This I heavily disagree with. First of all yes, in an adult game, there should be adult stuff in. But I think where I disagree is your view on what is adult and what is not. In this game there is groping, nudity, grinding, kissing, fingering, pussy play and so on. Yet for you, this game is considered non-adult. You're saying there are other sites that take non-adult game but which sites accept a game with the tags mentioned above? Hence it has to go on the more physical side before you will label it as an acceptable adult game but this creates a limbo for the fans of the genre as games such as these will always be labeled adult (hard to create a family-friendly game with fingering of the female genitalia). Of course in the future, it will be way more physical, but rushing it (and adding side characters/events solely to force the game to have sex) is imo not necessary and a 'trap' many new devs fall into (I must add sex or my game will fail!).
And by the playerbase, this has received so far, and the people that like it means there is a market for games such as these. Games that can thrive without using the usual tropes such as early side characters to simply have sex with or events for the sole purpose of getting sexual stuff out there as fast as possible. (In fact, many people tend to skip start sex scenes as they have yet to develop any relationship with early side characters)

So about your last part about fixing/improved. No, I do not think it needs fixing as all of these elements were meant to be as such. Improved however is something that is always a priority.

But does all of these things mean you are wrong and I am right? Absolutely not. It simply shows that you have some preferences and views that are yours. And hence I don't want you to change your review or anything like that as it is a perfect reflection of what you think this game is and same-minded people like you will read it and can have a better understand or in other cases save some time altogether.
The main thing to take is that we should be careful to confuse preference as fact. Or preferences as 'this is how it is supposed to be'. Everyone is different and everyone have different needs. There are genres and style for everyone. The slow build-up to instant gratifications. Both are adult games. Just with different approaches.

Hope I explained myself better this time around, heh.
TD:LR nothing is wrong with your view nor your review. And a game is still an adult game even if it's only a bit of groping, nudity and finger play at the start.
If I sound like I'm trying to antagonize, I assure you I'm not. I actually applaud you for sticking to your guns with such fervor. You seem to have a clear vision of where you want to go and that's a good thing. I guess the mini game can be salvaged if it's got good sound and visuals, required skill or planning, cut down on unnecessary clicks, adds to the story in a natural way and makes it feel like I'm actually progressing in the real world. What your are saying about the dating sim makes sense too, but I'm not feeling it in the state it's in right now. It's no small task to get everything about this to tie together nicely while at the same time being relevant to the story. However if you do manage to tie a nice bow on all this, I will be the first in line for the fan club, believe me. Maybe I'm just jaded. To me you've so far only been the "great story and art"-guy. You have yet to woo me with awesome game design. I didn't really feel like you needed to. But now your path is set and proper game design is what I will expect.
Regarding the "adult" part I know the line can be hard to draw. I've never had to think about it much so I guess it's good we're having this discussion. It depends. I guess a rule of thumb can be: 'Can I show this to my (hypothetical) 15-year old niece?' If the answer is a clear and resounding "no" then it can qualify as adult. Well I guess I should qualify this better, I would be uncomfortable showing the violent scenes to my niece as-is, that shit can be really gruesome (in a good way) at times. But violence is everywhere and for violence to be "adult" it needs to be quite extreme. I'm going to define "adult" on the basis of which hot/lewd scenes would be too much for her. Nudity and foreplay I'm sure she could handle. Non-sexual full frontals would probably be OK too. I would probably have to draw a definite line at erect penises and insertions of any kind though. Maybe even nudity if the setting is highly sexualized or violent. I'm not going to touch on violence only. Maybe this is hypocritical of me, but I wouldn't for example classify Kill Bill as an "adult" film, even though it is highly violent and rated 18+.

I'll keep watching you and when I can no longer show your (sexy) work to my niece I will bump you up a point. When the mini games/dating sim parts are sorted and make sense you will get another.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
If I sound like I'm trying to antagonize, I assure you I'm not. I actually applaud you for sticking to your guns with such fervor. You seem to have a clear vision of where you want to go and that's a good thing. I guess the mini game can be salvaged if it's got good sound and visuals, required skill or planning, cut down on unnecessary clicks, adds to the story in a natural way and makes it feel like I'm actually progressing in the real world. What your are saying about the dating sim makes sense too, but I'm not feeling it in the state it's in right now. It's no small task to get everything about this to tie together nicely while at the same time being relevant to the story. However if you do manage to tie a nice bow on all this, I will be the first in line for the fan club, believe me. Maybe I'm just jaded. To me you've so far only been the "great story and art"-guy. You have yet to woo me with awesome game design. I didn't really feel like you needed to. But now your path is set and proper game design is what I will expect.
Regarding the "adult" part I know the line can be hard to draw. I've never had to think about it much so I guess it's good we're having this discussion. It depends. I guess a rule of thumb can be: 'Can I show this to my (hypothetical) 15-year old niece?' If the answer is a clear and resounding "no" then it can qualify as adult. Well I guess I should qualify this better, I would be uncomfortable showing the violent scenes to my niece as-is, that shit can be really gruesome (in a good way) at times. But violence is everywhere and for violence to be "adult" it needs to be quite extreme. I'm going to define "adult" on the basis of which hot/lewd scenes would be too much for her. Nudity and foreplay I'm sure she could handle. Non-sexual full frontals would probably be OK too. I would probably have to draw a definite line at erect penises and insertions of any kind though. Maybe even nudity if the setting is highly sexualized or violent. I'm not going to touch on violence only. Maybe this is hypocritical of me, but I wouldn't for example classify Kill Bill as an "adult" film, even though it is highly violent and rated 18+.

I'll keep watching you and when I can no longer show your (sexy) work to my niece I will bump you up a point. When the mini games/dating sim parts are sorted and make sense you will get another.
I see I am happy to hear that you are taking it well. Too many times I have responded to people with opinions that differ and they feel like it is an attack when I am just sharing my views and reasoning. That's why I always try to add that it is not an attack. Communication is always important, even with people that share a different opinion.

Now, it is indeed true that the gameplay element with contracts needs a lot of improvement. Fewer clicks (shortcuts), visual, maybe sound and so on. For now, it's not the main focus but it is definitely something that needs work on.
The story and free-roaming however, will not get a big do-over. Remember, as before mentioned, it is made as such for the sake of player pace control. It is not meant to be tied together. They are separated to give the feeling of serious story mode vs relaxed character development.
I agree with you on the adult part when it comes to violence. It is something we all are used to. And using a young kid as a fun little thought.
With that in mind;
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You have a rather 'open' relationship with your niece if you are willing to watch these pictures with her, haha.
Jokes aside, I don't mind the star rating as I mentioned before. Most devs don't actually. They care about it at the start due to the overall rating but after a specific amount, the individual ratings do not have that big of an impact. (Not that I don't care about the individual opinion!) The only thing I was pointing out was the shady thing that I didn't like. Which you changed and is all good with me now.


Jul 11, 2019
I see I am happy to hear that you are taking it well. Too many times I have responded to people with opinions that differ and they feel like it is an attack when I am just sharing my views and reasoning. That's why I always try to add that it is not an attack. Communication is always important, even with people that share a different opinion.

Now, it is indeed true that the gameplay element with contracts needs a lot of improvement. Fewer clicks (shortcuts), visual, maybe sound and so on. For now, it's not the main focus but it is definitely something that needs work on.
The story and free-roaming however, will not get a big do-over. Remember, as before mentioned, it is made as such for the sake of player pace control. It is not meant to be tied together. They are separated to give the feeling of serious story mode vs relaxed character development.
I agree with you on the adult part when it comes to violence. It is something we all are used to. And using a young kid as a fun little thought.
With that in mind;
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You have a rather 'open' relationship with your niece if you are willing to watch these pictures with her, haha.
Jokes aside, I don't mind the star rating as I mentioned before. Most devs don't actually. They care about it at the start due to the overall rating but after a specific amount, the individual ratings do not have that big of an impact. (Not that I don't care about the individual opinion!) The only thing I was pointing out was the shady thing that I didn't like. Which you changed and is all good with me now.
The last image definitely passes the threshold for me. The two first, maybe, barely, with the lowest possible margin. The only image I remember seeing in-game is the third. The others are sweaty dream scenes right? I didn't pay much attention to those. So you'll have to forgive me because I didn't know this content was in there. Or maybe I forgot. But does one image an adult game make? All right I'll stop arguing. I'm a man of my word. Have your star Sir, and thank you for a civilized discussion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
Freebie from the upcoming update

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I've commented on this image already, but something about it's been on my mind, something about Luna in this particular piece compared to all others. As I said, she has a look of sorrow on her face, and the more I think about it, the more I come to appreciate this. I feel like this right here is the main reason why so many of us love Luna above the others, why we are drawn to her. She's come off as this bad ass, someone who is terrifying, someone who could castrate us before we can even blink, but this is the side that NO ONE has seen from her, the side of her that goes beyond being a skilled assassin, the side she's afraid of, to show what she considers weakness, and that's something she's deathly afraid of. I appreciate this more and more because we're seeing the side of her she's never shown anyone else, to the point it pains me to even go after the other girls.

Ichigo Kurosaki Shiba

Active Member
Mar 17, 2019
Wonder would i be able to get several girls(Gracie/Luna/Isabel/Future chars) in the end of the game(something akin to a Harem Ending)marry them have kids with them etc?

Ichigo Kurosaki Shiba

Active Member
Mar 17, 2019
HopesGaming replied about the relationships with the different girls and a harem ending back here.
Yeah i read all of that,but there was nothing said about endings,there were explanation about the current relationship and the way Hopes explained it,as it could change in the future,meaning that its not set in stote quite yet(he not 100% sure if he will not change something with relationship),plus i think that perhaps in time the other girls would fall for MC closer to the Luna level becouse its obvious after that roof kiss with Gracie that she feels something more(starting love?)for the MC,but she is to early in her social and emotional development to actualy show it in any way that MC would be able to understand yet,and in the future im sure that thanks to some advices and actions from the MC/Friends she will be able to do it and would even be a good competition for the MC affection against Luna and perhaps Isabel(unlikely but possible)


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
Yeah i read all of that,but there was nothing said about endings...
I took it as a harem ending being very unlikely, especially the anime style marry everyone style harem. You may eventually be able have sex with all the girls at some point, but no full harem ending (especially with Luna actually being in love).

But who knows, I don't think Hope's ever categorically said no? Just that all girls won't be fully romantically interested.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
Wonder would i be able to get several girls(Gracie/Luna/Isabel/Future chars) in the end of the game(something akin to a Harem Ending)marry them have kids with them etc?
What HopesGames discussed about the different girls was that it's very unlikely to have an actual harem, and that the most we'll get to do is be able to hook up with each one of them. A good idea of this is how he's not going to implement incest, which means 3 of the girls alone would NEVER enact sexual acts with one another, since it's 2 sisters and a mother. Then there's the aspect with Luna who is the romance path, and we see that she would not be okay with sharing the mc with the others. The only reason we can get away with having multiple relationships at this time is due to how the other girls won't be vocal about their relationship with the mc and would instead hide it away, but honestly, if you think about it and how these women are, it wouldn't be smart to try a harem with them anyway.
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Dec 12, 2018
Character is 10 Elite Soldato.
Completed Luna Isabel and Gracie event and reached to Max level of every event.

Still event 5 " The Proud Fazio " is pending... Don't know whats missing ????????
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May 5, 2018
since u called Call of the Void a good quality Game and i absolutely agree with you on that
i wonder any other Games u would recommend ?
makes waiting for a new Release of DeLuca easier.. ;)
p.s. oops big mistake i made i meant Heavy Fife - guess one drink too many yesterday...
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Joey the mangaka

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
For the harem ending we need make the reconsilation of luna and cordia . And grace like in the future isabel with eyes of family guys . for the moment we have first 4 dead of anyone main character.

Rude Roy

May 20, 2019
Well, that went south real fast. I thought I made it clear I didn't see it as an attack nor was my reply and attack (on you nor your review). So no struck nerves.
But alas it's on the text so it not always that easy to see the intentions. So I will make it clear again- my reply was simply my view on some of your points. Doesn't mean you're wrong or right nor does it mean I am wrong or right. Simply my point of view.
First thing first "Btw if you'd like this text to be in the review so it's no longer just 270 words I'll happily oblige. Just say the word."
Absolutely not, nothing wrong with your review nor should you change the star rating. It's biased free and reflects your opinion on the game.

Now, I cannot disagree with the shit coding part. I am still learning to code and it's always changing.
But I do disagree with it being unnecessary. For me, it is part of the immersive elements on how he is progressing throughout the Family and the ranks. Could be done with events and such but that is a huge undertaking. Same with stats, they play a role for both immersions but also for future parts. (love stats give extra scenes and MC stats will affect the future) This game is in development so the framework of that part is in constant change. That does not mean I believe it should be removed. But improved? Yes of course.
Free-roaming and story sections are separated for a reason. It's for the players to control the pace. They do the more *serious* story by clicking the continue button (vn style) and they play around the free-roaming when they want to relax and develop relationships with the girls. This system has worked really well so far and the majority of the feedback on that playstyle has been positive. It can feel disjointed if you see the system as something that is supposed to be *combined* in the sense that both sections should give the same outcomes and results. They do affect each other but in the end, are separated for a reason and the game do tell that (even with an in-game help section to explain it)
"Fuck, if these are mafiosos there should be hookers around right?"
I have heard those kinds of stuff a couple of times now too. 'This is a mafia game so there should be A or B' but I am creating my own universe with my own ruleset. I don't do anything that is supposed to be (hence the weirdness of the game).
There will be strippers, hookers, minor characters, and so on. But I will not add it simply for the sake of 'game must have sexual stuff'. That feels artificial to me.
"The last point (lack of lewds) I feel can't be argued with"
This I heavily disagree with. First of all yes, in an adult game, there should be adult stuff in. But I think where I disagree is your view on what is adult and what is not. In this game there is groping, nudity, grinding, kissing, fingering, pussy play and so on. Yet for you, this game is considered non-adult. You're saying there are other sites that take non-adult game but which sites accept a game with the tags mentioned above? Hence it has to go on the more physical side before you will label it as an acceptable adult game but this creates a limbo for the fans of the genre as games such as these will always be labeled adult (hard to create a family-friendly game with fingering of the female genitalia). Of course in the future, it will be way more physical, but rushing it (and adding side characters/events solely to force the game to have sex) is imo not necessary and a 'trap' many new devs fall into (I must add sex or my game will fail!).
And by the playerbase, this has received so far, and the people that like it means there is a market for games such as these. Games that can thrive without using the usual tropes such as early side characters to simply have sex with or events for the sole purpose of getting sexual stuff out there as fast as possible. (In fact, many people tend to skip start sex scenes as they have yet to develop any relationship with early side characters)

So about your last part about fixing/improved. No, I do not think it needs fixing as all of these elements were meant to be as such. Improved however is something that is always a priority.

But does all of these things mean you are wrong and I am right? Absolutely not. It simply shows that you have some preferences and views that are yours. And hence I don't want you to change your review or anything like that as it is a perfect reflection of what you think this game is and same-minded people like you will read it and can have a better understand or in other cases save some time altogether.
The main thing to take is that we should be careful to confuse preference as fact. Or preferences as 'this is how it is supposed to be'. Everyone is different and everyone have different needs. There are genres and style for everyone. The slow build-up to instant gratifications. Both are adult games. Just with different approaches.

Hope I explained myself better this time around, heh.
TD:LR nothing is wrong with your view nor your review. And a game is still an adult game even if it's only a bit of groping, nudity and finger play at the start.
Just started playing the game. I'm impressed that it has a real story and isn't just a fap fest. Characters are attractive and not deformed with massively unnatural proportions. No NTR so far, every woman isn't having sex with every other woman, women don't seem to be degraded and the men aren't wussies being dominated. An actual "adult" VN, not something meant to appeal to someone stuck in their parent's basement who has no idea what women are like other than what they've seen in porn. Good job.


Dec 12, 2018
I am just putting fact and nothing serious.

The "Jalan" is from "Kaskar Family". Father's name "Parvez Kaskar" Its a Muslim community. And they don't put red mark on their forehead. I guess makers tried to co relate this to India or something but fact is that its Hindu thing not Muslims. Hindus call it "Tilak" , its their ritual.

Just an info for make it more realistic. Please don't judge me for that.
  • Haha
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