A whole year has passed since I expressed the "
high hopes" I had for this game. After all this time, I feel confident in saying that my original feeling was not expressed in vain. Even though the updates were not so many after all this time, they are of very high quality and I feel they were well worth the wait. And I must add, this last one was from another level entirely.
If there is one thing that can upset and disturb me deeply, that is certainly, without a doubt,
witnessing acts of violence and cruelty committed against the helpless and vulnerable, particularly those directed against innocent children and animals. Therefore, it will be no surprise for me to say that unveiling Luna's background, and the reason behind her persona, have affected me immensely.
It was really hard for me to watch Luna's past unfolding like that, and even though I expected a similar conclusion, I still couldn't help but shed a few tears and close my fists in rage
(especially towards what happens to sweet Sofia). Luna was already my favorite character before this, but this update has but reinforced my preference for her and I will be rooting for her to, hopefully, achieve her vengeance and her deserved happy ending.
HopesGaming, I salute you for your talent and courage in delivering such a story, and I hope that, beyond its entertainment purpose, this game can touch people's hearts and alert them for the fact that there is much suffering and injustice in the world and even a small gesture of kindness can make a difference in a person or animal's life. I apologize if this is too cringy for people to read, but I felt the need to express my feelings, at the moment, especially after such an emotional ride.