I don't know if I reached the end but I have an event tracking from my Journal called The Training but can't get it to trigger and it say's I don't meet the requirements to continue the story but when I look in events it's shows nothing I'm confused any advice or hint would be appreciated
i hate the font used in the questlog, can't read a damned thing under the name of the quest, so no damned idea of what to do, i often just stumble into it.
what i need to know tho is, why hasn't it cleared my name is luna?!? i listened to her story, then listened to the recording, now i can't move forward, i did look at the rpys and found out what it is that was required but it's been done, why hasn't it cleared so i can do the next one!??!?!?!?!?!
story 10 will not start until my name is luna is showing as completed and it's not.
looking at variables in the console i see lunaQmyNameIsLuna=False
so wth is left to do???