As far as working full time goes; as much as I would like the updates to be quicker (which I assume would happen will full time development), I don't think you should do it. Seems like most of the devs that burn out, get depressed etc. are the ones that do it full time. You end up overworking and hitting a wall.
I do find it funny that your only patreon goal is hitting 20 patrons though, hit that one the first day this thread got posted probably.
A coder, render helper etc. would be good I think. You can try to do what Romanhume (Dr.Amana sexual therapist) is doing and have some trialists do some rendering work to see if they're a good match. He is giving his trialists a specific girl's story to work on, the trialists will do the majority of the render and when its almost complete they'll send it to him so he can render it and adjust if needed. Basically, they do 95% of the work and RH finishes it off, saving a lot of time and maintaining the render quality/style at the same time.