I have a ton of respect for you
@envixer , you created
A New Home, which is still one of my favorites games. So I feel I have to be honest with you regarding this game.
I'm not feeling it. The method for free-roam you've implemented just isn't intuitive.
You've been around the block and seen all the games on this site, and those with free-roam (or at least been afforded the opportunity). So I'm struggling to understand why you couldn't look to them and learn from them and implement a solution as good as them.
I honestly wanted to play and experience all that this game has to offer because I love games with this diversity, but I just couldn't bring myself to fight the unintuitive UI/UX. It was a chore, and not fun.
I'm a front end web developer, so UI/UX is my bread and butter, so if you ever needed help, please don't hesitate to hit me up.
Regardless, I hope that you take what I'm saying constructively because I wasn't trying to tear you down. We've all seen what you can do, I just hope you can bring that previous form, to this and future projects.
Best of luck, mate.