HTML Abandoned The eWardrobe [v0.6.4] [brickdoorway]

4.90 star(s) 9 Votes


Dec 15, 2017
uploading new version now knew i forgot about something


-Two new in-game days, through the end of Thursday of Week 6.

-46k new words.

-6 new renders (1 in both paths, 3 in the Destiny path, 2 in the Justine path), bringing the total count to 19.

-The eWardrobe has a settings button! Use it to change the background and font theme, text size, window width and even disable hyperlinks if that's your jam.

-There is now a shortcut when putting on your work clothes, so getting ready in the mornings should now be faster.

-Danny will give a ballpark estimate of how many pills are left in the bottle. Remember that Danny isn't a very reliable narrator, so his count might be off ;)

-Improvements to the appearance tab, passage structure, some Danny variables, etc.

-Bug fixes.

In a few days I'll post about the plans for 0.5.0 (over 40k words done) but for now, I hope everyone enjoys the game.


Oct 13, 2017
The Justine path is bugged if you avoid the forced blowjob scene with Lyle/The Sails in this version. Justine comes over on a Saturday cause she's bored and you play dress up, but then right after ""These are so great," you lie through your teeth."; the screen is just black.


Dec 15, 2017
Hi everyone,

The current file is V 0.5.0(a).

Warning: V 0.5.0 deals with the immediate aftermath of the events of 0.4.8 and some players may find the implications of non-consensual sex to be upsetting.

There are two files: one zip file that includes images. The other is the html file for players who prefer to use a mobile browser.

Remember that the HTML file does not have the ability to display images.

Wow. I can't believe we're here. I started working on The eWardrobe in the summer of last year. In that time the story went from covering Week 1's Monday and Tuesday to all of Week 6 complete. We're now at the halfway point for the story, and that feels really good to say. Not too long ago the 50% seemed worlds away, and I'm grateful to all of the people who made it happen. Those who give financial support, words of encouragement, Fredricton for the renders, Kazeto for fixing everything I touch... thank you all. We would not have reached this juncture without you.

I hope everyone enjoys the game. Thank you for playing.



-Roughly 70,000 new words added between Week 6's Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

-We went from 19 renders to a whopping 45! 18 of those are Mirror selfies of the MC's chest as it changes in relation to him taking pills.

-Chris and Candice are here! Get a good look at them on Tuesday of Week 1.

-There's another Week 1 Justine render of her in one of the barista outfits.

-Destiny is now rendered at the job fair. She's a lot less scary looking than Justine, though she's arguably just as displeased.

-Three new dates are in.

-The mall trip is here. Depending on your companion you may have total control over the experience (in terms of Danny, of course), or none.

-Bug fixes.

-Some typo fixes.

-In the Settings menu you can choose the location and size of visible images.**

-In the Settings menu you can choose to have speech underlined, as well as a hover tooltip enabled that will tell you who is speaking.

-There is now a warning of sorts when faced with the decision that will take you down the restaurant or store paths.

Thoughts for the future:

As we work on 0.5.1, I wanted to communicate what's been done already and what's planned:

-Week 7's Monday is written! Including the aftermath of the mall trip.

-If you didn't do the live-reading or kickball and you won the video game tournament, there is now a storyline for live-streaming and cosplaying. It's caught up the "present," i.e. Week 7's Monday.

-Regarding the two points above, while the votes for cosplay/rewrites were more than the votes for new story content, there was enough votes for both that I wanted to satisfy everyone. So there will be new story content AND rewrites. Not a ton of the former, but hopefully it will appease those who chose that over rewrites.

-If you found it too difficult to avoid the M2F on the restaurant path, or you just plain hated Lisa Baker or Kurt, there is now an option to meet Kurt before the job fair on Week 5's Sunday. You can turn him down and avoid the TF and conflict with Lisa entirely. It is still possible to meet Lisa and avoid the TF through the already established methods. This storyline is caught up to the "present," but I'm still double checking it won't be breaking continuity.

-Kazeto is working on a save system that *should* work between updates. It will hopefully satisfy the demographic who only want to see new content on the path they're on, and not explore alternative older content with each update.

**Per Kazeto: does not work 100% in Firefox... The former part is all in, but the latter part uses something that for some reason is not supported by Firefox of all things so an alternative had to be used and it's not perfect. I could go on a tangent now about how it's insane for something to be supported by everything and the kitchen sink but Firefox, but that's a waste of everyone's time so I'll refrain.

4.90 star(s) 9 Votes