Installed the 4k patch for 1.3.2 while dl the proper version, everything worked fine up until mid-late of level 10(Town of Undead) where im saving a woman and assuming there is a boss fight. My issue is on the cutscene where the boss spawns my game freezes on the loading screen. As in I have to restart my pc kind of thing, alt+tab, alt+f4 nothing works to get me out of the game.
After restarting I try to load in again, but same thing happens since the boss is a checkpoint. I was not far in the game so I decided to get back to the point on a new save and the same thing happened in the exact same location. Anyone have any idea or is something just borked on my end?
EDIT: Fixed it by redoing the 4k install and leaving out the 4k extra files. PC might not be beefy enough to handle them