
Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
Well, Ghost urges the MC to read the spellbock to learn new spells and to get stronger...no idea if he actually learned anything. Well except that crap about bringing the dead girl back (i really couldn't care less about her)...even less the the shit the demon girl says about loving her.
I saw none of that lol probaby not enough angel/demon points


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I don't understand how a Dev can be so smart in making incredible Models and Renders yet so dumbed down to push out the garbage I just read, both in dialogue and in the MC's decision making.

And I'm not referring to the spelling errors, I mean the actual socially inept words being vomited from character to character. These are not individuals, this is the same person translated 4 different ways with little to no difference in amount of words or wording.

It cannot be that hard...you already have the hardest part done (Rendering, Coding, etc.), all you had to do was play the fucking game yourself and ask yourself, "Would I read this? Is this worth paying real money for? Is it even worth my time?" and the immediate answer should be NO! Absofuckinglutely NOT! An AI has more character than these characters.

All of which is a shame, because again, everything else is fine from a development standpoint. It's just that no sane individual can get behind the dialogue or plot direction, choices or bipolar behavior and say, "Yeah! That's worth $10 a month! 5 stars!"

Edit: You know what? Let me throw my hat into the ring. I have 2 examples of my writing here; those that are willing to read it, I want you to tell me if you'd prefer my very nonprofessional free writing, or a Developer that spends several months with payments that made the game you just yawned through. Be honest, I'm genuinely curious if it's just me that sees this issue.
Example A
Example B
Both were made in less than 3 hours on the spot.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
well, I can't defend this game anymore. this update came with missing images, spelling errors, and multiple female characters were referred to as either him or he like Nxys and Raphael
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Nov 4, 2020
Why does the game gamùe says "HE" about all the girls in the last update OMG ><"

Check your translator, all those errors in translation totally break immersion...

That and missing image, is just too much. The story of this game is good but all this is just no good.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Why does the game gamùe says "HE" about all the girls in the last update OMG ><"

Check your translator, all those errors in translation totally break immersion...
the only thing I can think of is dev is either ignoring mistakes or just being lazy with writing
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Nov 4, 2020
the only thing I can think of is dev is either ignoring mistakes or just being lazy with writing
it didn't happens before, I think so I'm genuinely suprised. It doesn't llok like the work of the same person that made the previous updates.
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