The Glorious NTR(Cheating) Thread (You bet your ass its NSFW! -_^ )

What kind of NTR do you like?

  • I like it when the guy/girl knows it happening.

    Votes: 642 38.3%
  • I prefer it being secretive without the guy/girl knowing.

    Votes: 1,002 59.8%
  • Something else I explained in the thread.

    Votes: 32 1.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2017
Machine translation is always awful. There is actually a lot of nuance to translating from one language to another, and machines are a long, loooong way from being able to handle it.

The best you can hope for with machine translation is a loose understanding of the plot. All nuance/subtlety is lost (for instance, imagine "If you say so..." being translated as "You might say it..." - some of the meaning is lost), colloquialisms will have no meaning ("if the shoe fits" -> "is the footwear comfortable"), and many words/phrases are often just completely wrong.

That's very true. It's a real shame and totally takes you out of the immersion, especially when the whole pull of NTR games is the story and what is being said etc. :/
Hopefully things improve or more games get translated.


Sep 10, 2017
Anyone remember the games similar to breast mafia ones. You start with an elf or something then unlock and lose other girls over time. Even has a cow girl character and one that was a statue. Can't remember the studio but they stopped making games after one of them. Would really love to get the translated version of it if anyone remembers the name


Aug 9, 2016
Damn, I can't believe I missed this thread at the beggining. It had such an interesting discussion.

Well, what I truly like is netorare. I can enjoy netori for a quick fap. I don't go anywhere near netorase.

I hate netorase/sharing/swinging/hotwifing, anything that points out that the husband is aware of the cheating and is okay with it. Cheating behind the back is the most arousing scenario for me.

What made me a fan of netorare is the masterpiece . It has everything that true netorare work should have: introduction of the main character and the heroine, how they met, got closer, ended up in love, married and things started to, slowly and gradually, go downhill. The netorare hits really hard here. It actually starts as a cute lovey-dovey story, but Earth isn't a nice place to live in.

It actually is surprisingly pretty realistic. The netorare doesn't happen immediately after the villain inserts his cock at the heroine. It took months (or years? - it's been a long time since I last read it) in the timeline to corrupt her. The whole story itself took some years from beggining to the ending.

I don't recommend it for people that only want to fap. It is a very dark, sad and hard reading. are people talking about it. And an English about it.

As for Western games: I can't say there is any game out there that is truly a netorare one. Hanna's Boat Trip surprisingly had a decent netorare scene, but the game overall lacks the feeling because the writing doesn't make you care about the husband and neither about the couple's relationship. Where It All Began has potential.


Jul 17, 2017
NTR games where you play as the female is just cheating, if there was a girl seducing the husband that would be NTR.

The whole concept of NTR is being stolen of your loved one, if you cheat that isn't NTR at all.
NTR is a type of cheating where the person is either being stolen (netorare) or the one doing the stealing (netori). If a woman is in a relationship, if she's just having sex, and just cheating, it's not NTR; but if she's starting to care more for the person she's cheating on with, than her husband/family, it is considered NTR.


Jul 17, 2017
If you, the MC, are having sex with other people outside your relationship, it's cheating, it doesn't matter if your character develops feelings or something like that.

NTR is based on the point of view, if I'm the husband and my wife is getting fucked it's netorare, it doesn't matter if she just likes to do it, of course the fully commited NTR is when your wife leaves you.

Netori is for example that I fuck another character's wife, it doesn't matter the rest.

Cheating is when you as the MC are fucking people around while you are in a relationship.
Yes, that's what I said. The difference between NTR and just cheating, is that a person being netorare'd develops feelings and cares more for the person she's cheating with, than that of her family/friends. Regardless of whether that happens or not, it's still cheating.

I also said that NTR is based on the point of view... and explained it. So why are you rehashing what I said? And if your wife is just sleeping around on you, that's not netorare, that's just cheating. If your wife falls for the other guy(s) that she's sleeping with and will drop everything to do whatever they want, that's netorare. Also, wife leaving you does not equate to "fully commited NTR", she can be "fully commited NTR" and still be living with you.

No, netori is where you steal another person's wife/girlfriend/sister/mother/friend. If you're just having sex and it doesn't go beyond that, it's just cheating and not NTR.

I know what cheating is...


May 26, 2019
To be fair? I sorta liked Netorare, the emotional tension takes your interest. But lately they became a bit dull. Except one where the guy claimed the guy who claimed his wife.

The name of the manga was Night Tales from a Chinese Studio, Wang Erxi.

There is another named Bug. The guy stealing the girl only have done that because the boyfriend was his friend...but he is in love with him and wanted both separated.

The Twist was uniquely exciting and alluring. I like twists on those stories.
One that I would particularly like is that as the wife cheats on her husband and still loves him...her own sister discovers it and uses the fact she is cheating on him to slowly steal him from her as she doesn't see.

That is a twist that I still must see.


Jul 17, 2017
You say you know it... sorry but you are wrong, Gonna list all the mistakes you made:

1. First of all you link NTR with developing feelings, while that can be related it isn't true. NTR has 3 recognized types:
-Type A: The heroine is willingly cheating on the protagonist with another guy and enjoys every second of it. No rape, blackmail, drugs etc. involved, it's consensual sex from the very beginning.
-Type B: Initially, the heroine is raped, blackmailed, drugged or otherwise tricked to have sex with someone other than the protagonist. However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.
-Type C: The heroine is raped in front of the protagonist and he can only helplessly watch it. It's non-consensual from start to finish.

You refuse type C of NTR in which the girl never has consensual sex, in this one the girl never develops feelings at all for the rapist. She is just forced. Another point is that while the girl can enjoy it, it doesn't means that she cares more about her new partner than you, saying that only that circunstance matters (meaning that NTR is only when the girl cares more for the person she is cheating with) it's wrong.
First, where did I refuse anything? Can you actually point out where I said that Type C is not NTR? Nope, nowhere, you're just making crap up and putting words in my mouth again. Though Type C is only considered NTR if by the end of the rape, she chooses her rapist over her love interest. If she doesn't ultimately choose her rapist over her love interest, than it's not NTR.

Also, contrary to your very incorrect view, feelings are required in NTR. If the woman, be it a wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/cousin doesn't love someone, or deeply cares for someone other than the netori, than it's not NTR. So yeah, the only one wrong here, is you.

2. When you say "wife leaving you does not equate to fully commited NTR", this tells me that your whole definition of NTR isn't correct but rather you are writing while thinking on examples. The whole concept of NTR means that your girlfriend/wife is being stolen away, it doesn't matter the means. A fully commited NTR would be when you can never be back with her, she left you for good. The word netorare refers exactly to your love partner being stolen away.
Contrary to your very incorrect opinion, NTR does not require the wife to leave her husband. Yes, NTR is about being stolen away, but you're completely wrong in your belief that the woman has to leave her husband to have "fully commited NTR". What matters is that she either no longer loves her husband or that her love for her husband is eclipsed by her love for the netori. Most NTR stories don't end with the wife leaving her husband or family, but putting the interests of the netori before that of her husband and family.

3. "Netori is where you steal another person's wife/girlfriend/sister/mother/friend" It's wrong, if you don't have a relationship with the character, a special one, it isn't NTR at all. If your friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend it isn't NTR same with your mother or sister, at least in the mother/sister case we can talk about incest and relate it to that, but a friend?, this is equal to saying that everyone you meet in the game if they have sex with another character is NTR.
So wait, you're telling me that feelings have very little to do, than go and make an argument that feelings are very important... and before you say that's not what you're saying, a relationship is based on feelings. And no, you prove yourself to be completely wrong once again. One does not need to be in a relationship for it to be an NTR, and claiming otherwise is completely incorrect. Take for instance , the protagonist is very close to his childhood friend who ends up being stolen away by a classmate, which fits NTR. Or how about Sanbun Kyoden's work , the mother is a widow, but despite her husband, who recently passed away, it's still considered NTR because she still loves her husband. Another Sanbun Kyoden work and it's follow up follows a single mother close to her son, but not in a romantic relationship, being NTR'd by a young man around her sons age.

So yeah, friend, mother, sister, cousin can be NTR'ed even if they aren't currently in a romantic relationship. This is pretty common knowledge.

Mate, you just base your knowledge on specific examples that you saw and you relate it to NTR. But that's not NTR at all. So forgive me but I will say that you don't know the difference between cheating and NTR.

The whole point is the point of view, are you the one having sex outside of the relationship or it's your partner? that defines if it's cheating or NTR. You are just mixing concepts.
Nope, I'm basing my knowledge on what the Japanese claim to be NTR, you're the one basing it on specific examples that you saw and you relate it to NTR. And sorry, but you've proven here that you cannot tell the difference between normal cheating and NTR.

Also, no, what defines NTR is not the relationship, but the feelings of the person being stolen. If she doesn't have any feelings for anyone, even if she's in a relationship, it's not NTR, but it would still count as cheating.

I will add to end the common definition of NTR: "japanese acronym for , used to define a genre of (Hentai Game), meaning "Cuckold". In short, the main loved one(s) are taken or seduced away from him and the heroine might be willing or unwilling. This is to cause an emotion of deep jealousy on the reader. "

Jealousy and betrayal are the feelings that define NTR, not the girl feelings.
LOL! Your own link disproves you!

It's a genre of adult manga or hentai. It should be defined as CHEATING/Unfaithful/Adultery.

It is too often INCORRECTLY defined as " ". However true readers of the genre know that cuckholding is just a sub-element and a fetish. A fetish where one likes to watch their significant other, (usually sexual) with another person.

In ( ) however the the a bf/gf/wife/husband Do Not have to make a appearance in the story whatsoever. They often Do Not Ever find out about the betrayal. In some the cheated on individual may in up in a situation where they are forced to watch there significant other cheat on them. To go slightly further. Some ntr is known as . This can also be defined as Cheating. Ecxept it's from the point of view of the individual stealing away the heart of someone already in a relationship. Once again the gf/bf/wife/husband never has to make a appearance in this type of story.

For the illiterate/ ;

is just Cheating NOT . The individual being cheated on may never find out or even be shown in the story.

A sub-element at best seldom/sometimes used, Cuckholding is a fetish. About an individual's desire/want to be cheated on by their significant other.
Netorare can be seen daytime soap operas. Whenever someone cheats on somebody.
You'll probably never see in a daytime soap opera. can even be mutually desired in relationship.
Do people feel jealousy and betrayal while reading NTR? Sure, but one can feel that from just reading regular cheating stories. So by that measure, any story where you feel jealousy or betrayal while reading it, should be considered NTR... but we both know it's not. What matters is not your feelings as the reader, but the female character who is being NTR'd feelings. If she loves or is very close to someone, but not in a romantic relationship, and the netori comes along and steals her away from the person she loved or was close to, that is considered NTR.
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Jul 17, 2017
Mate, you are overly aggresive and dont even bother to read, just because I said you are wrong you didn't bother to read me good because... for you everything I said is wrong. And well that's your whole point.
Lol, I'm "overly aggresive" and didn't "even bother to read", when you're the one who started this entire ranting when I pointed out you were wrong. And no, I read you, and you were completely and utterly wrong.

However... your definition of NTR the more you talk the more I see how egocentric it is, don't take that the wrong side, I mean by that that you only care about what the MC feels, he may be in love with someone but you don't care if they are in a relationship or not, but NTR by default needs that relationship to be justified in it's existence. If there is no relationship there is no NTR, even more when your "love" is related to family and they don't even see you like that.
Now you're just projecting yourself onto me. Contrary to your very incorrect opinion, I'm looking at the girls feeling, not her love interest. Because if the girl doesn't have a love interest, she can't be stolen. She doesn't need to be in a romantic relationship to be stolen, all it takes is for her to be in love with someone, and someone else "steals" that love for himself.

NTR type C isn't what you said, the heroine is ALWAYS unwilling, this isn't about what you think but what happens in those games, if the girl accepts the rapist in the end it's type B. So yeah, you have clearly admitted that you don't take type C as NTR but it would fall for you in forced cheating.
You whined about me not reading, but you just proved you didn't read what I said at all. I stated "type C" is only NTR if the woman ultimately chooses the rapist over her love interest. So yeah, this proves you have no idea what NTR actually is.

And really with the fully commited NTR, this is something that I can't truly understand why you don't get what I mean, it only says that theorically for a fully commited NTR would be the point where the wife/girlfriend leaves her partner, there are exceptions? yeah. But the whole point of NTR is that the MC is being stolen of his loved one.
Dude, most NTR doesn't end with the woman leaving her husband/boyfriend. But clearly loving the netori more than her husband/boyfriend and willing to drop everything at a moments notice to fulfill his desires. Also, again, the vast majority of the MC's in NTR works, are either the woman being netorare'd, or the man doing the netori, not the woman being netorare'd love interest, who in most cases rarely makes an appearance in the works.

Mate this discussion is going to be eternal because you literally manipulate everything I say just to "randomly prove it's wrong". I will clearly show you how you manipulate what I say:
Not manipulating anything, I debunked your argument and provided proof to support my argument. You on the other hand, are putting words in my mouth by claiming I said something I did not say, and cherry picking what I said to fit your opinion. That's manipulation. But nice projection.

Your response: So wait, you're telling me that feelings have very little to do, than go and make an argument that feelings are very important... and before you say that's not what you're saying, a relationship is based on feelings.

Ok here is how you manipulate, what I said in my whole post is the following:

-For there to be NTR we need a love relationship between the MC and his partner.
-NTR isn't based of if his partner ends up loving more her rapist or the others than the MC.

Exactly where is the incompatibility that you talk about?. I'm not gonna bother to continue this discussion mainly because you don't read me. At the start I did bother to continue answering but not gonna go with that.
Didn't manipulate anything, please actually read and comprehend what the other person says! NTR completely depends on the feelings of a woman who is being netorare'd! It's a pretty simple concept, if she loves her husband/boyfriend/son/family/friend, it doesn't matter if she's currently in a romantic relationship, single, etc., what matters is that she loves and cares for someone. Than the netori comes along and through some action, be it rape/drugs/seduction/etc., the woman now loves and cares for the netori more than her husband/boyfriend/son/family/friend.

The incompatibility comes in when you state that the woman has to be in a romantic relationship with someone. And again, the MC is usually the woman being netorare'd or the man who is the netori, not her love interest.

And will end up saying something: The only point you have in your whole post and which one I can agree is this one, the only correct one in your post:

"friend, mother, sister, cousin can be NTR'ed even if they aren't currently in a romantic relationship " that's true but only in one situation, when they have a relationship that is very close, almost lovers but not. A normal friend can't get NTR, it isn't NTR even if you have feelings for her. What we need is some type of relationship that is, at the very least ambiguous.
Wow, great manipulation of my words there. I stated that the WOMAN'S feelings determine if it's NTR or not. I did not say anything about some random guy. I stated that the WOMAN'S feelings towards someone, regardless of her "friend, mother, sister, cousin" of the person she has feelings for, is what determines if it's NTR or not.

Will give you an easy example of why I don't accept your definition of NTR, you fall in love with a wife, she doesn't see you like that, she is married as you can guess. So only because you fall in love with her you are already in NTR? and we are even at the end of it because she doesn't see you that way.
... where did I ever say that a man's feelings for a woman, count as NTR? I never said that, so stop "manipulating" my words to alter my argument DawnCry! This isn't NTR because the wife has no feelings for you. It could become NTR if you rape/seduce her and make her love you more than her husband/family, but just falling for someone who is married doesn't mean she NTR'd you.

P.D this deserves a special mention:

First, where did I refuse anything? Can you actually point out where I said that Type C is not NTR? Nope, nowhere, you're just making crap up and putting words in my mouth again. Though Type C is only considered NTR if by the end of the rape, she chooses her rapist over her love interest

-Type C: The heroine is raped in front of the protagonist and he can only helplessly watch it. It's non-consensual from start to finish.

-Type B: Initially, the heroine is raped, blackmailed, drugged or otherwise tricked to have sex with someone other than the protagonist. However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.

If you truly tell me that I'm making crap I'm gonna ask a thousand people to read your comment and the type definitions. Will give you an advance, logic says that you are literally and I mean literally saying that type C isn't NTR. Type C is a dark story in which the girl NEVER falls in love with the rapist. There are other reasons like the girl becoming mind broken or just becomes a slut, but she has no feelings at all for her rapists and she truly values her relationship with her partner from beginning to end of the game.
Yes, you truly are making crap up, because you brought this out of nowhere completely at random. But contrary to your incorrect view, if the woman doesn't choose the rapist over her husband by the end of the story, it's not NTR. She's not being stolen, she's being raped. Being raped in front of her husband does not automatically make this NTR. Also, if she becomes mind broken or a slut, she is still actively choosing the rapist over her husband because of her feelings, IE love, in this case for her rapist dick rather than the rapist as a person.

P.D2: I add this to actually show where we have our differences in thinking and make it clear, feel free to modify this if you think what I said is wrong:

-About the relationship:
*You defend that all types of relationships can be made into NTR, be it friends, family, girlfriend and wife.
*I defend that only the cases of girlfriend/wife (and obviously lover and similars) are the cases of NTR, in the case of friends or family only very specific cases like almost lovers or a very ambiguous relationship would qualify.
Nope, that's not my argument at all, but nice manipulation of my words. I stated that as long as the woman being NTR'd has feelings, such as love, or in the case of family members who are very close but not in an incestuous way, they can be netorare'd. I even provided a specific example of non-romantic relationships between a single mother and her son in Sanbun's work.

-About the NTR:
*You defend that the difference between cheating and NTR is that for it to be NTR the girl needs to end up caring more about the other guy.
*I defend that what matters in NTR is the frequency, it doesn't matter if the girl ends up loving him or you more but that she maintains that outside your relationship with her for a prolongued time.
You have never once brought up any argument referring to "frequency" or anything remotely similar before. And you are completely wrong. Plenty of doujinshi's where you have a housewife who can't get satisfied by her husband sexually, so she's been cheating on him for years, but at the end of the day no man has stolen her from him despite being a better lay than him. It doesn't matter if the woman has been cheating on her husband/boyfriend for years, if she still loves and cares for her husband more than the person she's cheating on him with, it's just cheating, not NTR.

-About cheating:
*You defend that cheating would be anything that doesn't qualify to be NTR, basically if the girl doesn't end up loving the other guy more it isn't NTR but cheating.
*I defend that cheating is based on pov and relate it to puntual acts, basically something that happens once or twice but isn't maintained in time.
You've never stated this at all... and your defense makes no sense at all.

The difference between our points is that I make the line on frequency while you make it on feelings. My whole point is that your point of difference refuses NTR type C because it doesn't end with the girl loving more her rapist, and I say too that your view of the relationships that can generate a NTR relationship is too open.
You've never once brought up "frequency" or anything remotely similar to this idea until this post. And no, NTR type C isn't NTR unless the woman chooses her rapist over her husband/love interest, even if she admits it only in her mind. It doesn't matter if she's mind broken or become a slut, the simple fact is her love for her husband/love interest was stolen.

That's how I synthetize this discussion. In most areas we think the same, mainly because frequency generates feelings and feelings are generated by that frequency. Even more we both accept that wife/girlfriend/lover it would fall under the area of NTR, while the discussion goes about friends/family in which I'm quite more strict and only special cases I would consider it NTR. But well if we see the logic in H games every girl is made so we can fuck her so theorically all girls and relationships would fall under NTR.
Again, you've never once brought up frequency at all until this post. And your "strict" views don't matter on girls being friends/family don't matter. It can be NTR as long as the girl is secretly harboring love or is just really close to her friend/family members.

Also, even "theorically", all girls and relationships do not fall under NTR in H games.


Jul 17, 2017
This is a waste of time in the true sense, let me be really clear to end this conversation, do not quote me again:
You're right, this is a waste of time, but the only thing you make clear is that you had no intention of comprehending anything that didn't fit your opinion. Oh, and that's not how forums work.

-I didn't start this conversation, you did an useless quote of me and did try to understand if you had a point, that originated this. So at least be fair and don't put the shit on my head and say I put it there.
Yes, you did start this. Yes I responded to your comment first, but I made a simple post that pointed out what NTR was, to which you responded to me in an extremely hostile and arrogant manner. So yes, I'm putting the blame on you for wasting my time.

-For gods sake what you think is 99% similar to my thinking, I just don't consider that the difference between cheating and NTR is when the girl prefers the other guy. So believe me, if I'm utterly wrong then you are too. The more you explained the more I could see it, but the funny part is that you never noticed the same even when quoting me part by part.
No, our thinking is not "99% similar". And no, the more I explained, the less you saw as you completely ignored what I said and continually "manipulated" and took me out of context, or misrepresented what I said. And no, you're utterly wrong because you are trying to argue that there must be a romantic relationship between the person being netorare'd and someone else.

-I really still don't get it why can't you understand anything at all.
I understood what you said, you on the other hand failed to understand anything I have said.

So yeah okay, take it as if you won the talk and be happy with it. When you have a cold mind try to think about those things, why I didn't add friend/family to NTR unless there are special circunstances? You just added them in this message and I would say, hey, that's what I meant!. Because the girl is secretly in love with the MC.
... you accuse me of having a "cold mind" when you're the one "manipulating", misrepresenting and taking my argument out of context. And no, I didn't just add anything, I've been saying the same thing over and over. Try actually comprehending what someone wrote instead of just making up what fits your opinion!

What did I correct from you? when you gave me something specific and made it seem like something general.
You repeatedly told me I didn't know what NTR was and dictated it's your way or no way. That's where you tried to "correct" me despite being completely and utterly wrong. Also, the examples I gave you, are pretty common tropes we see in NTR works like Sanbun Kyoden. I understand that made your argument inconvenient, so you chose to ignore it.

Why I didn't write before some points? you didn't bother to think about what I wrote or ask about why I see things like that, you just take the superficial side of things and argue about how wrong it is.
I responded to you point by point. I took time to think about what you wrote, and where I thought you were wrong, I pointed out and explained it. And no, I did not "just take the superficial side of things and argue about how wrong it is", that was you.

Am I manipulative? What I did and you don't get is that I tried to understand what you said, for that I need to use logic and make you explain if further. In all my posts I have been trying to find the common points and try to get you, is it so hard for you to see it?. Only difference is that NTR type C isn't what you said, but not gonna continue with that.
Where I'm from, when you misrepresent and purposefully take them out of context, putting words in their mouth, that's what we call being manipulative. And no where were you even asking me to explain further. You were dictating to me that I was wrong with very little explanation. Also, again, type C is not NTR unless the woman chooses her rapist over her husband/love interest. If she doesn't, that's just rape, not NTR! How can you not understand this very simple fact?

I'm making crap? what would you call what you did of randomly quoting a person to say nothing useful in 3 lines and another one trying to understand your meaning?
Yes, you are making crap up. And this is an online public forum, I responded to you in a polite manner, only to have you return in a hostile and rude manner telling me I was wrong and didn't know what I was talking about. You did not at any time, ask for me to elaborate or explain anything, you just dictated your opinion as if it was fact...

I'm just tired you know. I have tried so hard so that you could get my points. Putting myself in your position, trying to find similarities, talking about different topics and the only thing that I got from you is "this guy is utterly wrong". Just don't quote me again okay?.
Telling me I'm wrong, dictating what you consider is and is not NTR and that anything outside of that is not NTR, repeatedly taking my words out of context or just straight up ignoring what I said, does not match up to what you're claim of "trying to find similarities" between our views. On the contrary, it disproves your entire claim that you're trying to find common ground.

FYI, if you don't want someone to tell you "this guy is utterly wrong", perhaps you should also refrain from taking their words out of context and telling them they have no idea what they are talking about. Then edit your comment hours after they've responded to you and change/add things to make it seem like you are the victim.

This is a public forum, everyone is free to quote others as long as they are adding to the conversation. I will quote you again if I can add to the conversation. I just hope next time you don't aren't going to dictate to me what is and is not, tell me I'm wrong and than play the victim when you're argument gets debunked.


Jul 17, 2017
Ignored, that's all, I can't talk with a rock. Will clean this thread of all the bullshit I can, do whatever you want. You didn't debunk ANYTHING at all, it's as simple that you can't use logic at all.
Debunked your claim that NTR can only happen in a romantic relationship, which was your entire argument. And please don't project your inability to use simple logic onto me.

I say hey "friends/family isn't NTR unless there are special circunstances" you add them and rather than thinking that's what I meant it's "you are wrong", the whole point about why I don't accept your definition of NTR is that it's finalist.
LOL! No you didn't say that until the last post! You stated clearly that in order for NTR to occur, they have to be in a romantic relationship. Now you're trying to change your argument...

In this talk I ended up understanding your opinnion, I never meant something as finalist as what you do of "you are wrong and I'm right". In many things I did notice that we meant the same, but you just... you are impossible.

That's why it's a waste of time, I did get your whole point, some things weren't accepted but most it's actually what I think, you did get nothing out of me.

Now, you are ignored. Have fun being you. I'm going to clean the thread out of my part of the bullshit, do whatever you want.
LOL! So if you understood, why did you repeatedly misrepresent my argument?

*Sigh* This was a waste of time because all you did was tell me I didn't know what NTR or cheating was while misrepresenting my arguments or just ignoring what I said.

Why "clean the thread" of your posts? This makes absolutely no sense! A person who believes their argument is legit, would leave it up so everyone can see their side of the argument. There is no logical reason to delete your own comments if you were really adding to the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
NTR is best when it hurts and when its hurts bad. I order for that to happen the relationship and the characters need to be beliavable and the sweater the gf/wife the sweater the NTR. I havent played a western NTR that has got it right yet, granted there are not too mant too choose from unfortunatley.
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Jun 11, 2017
I want more ntr games like please bang my wife: where the main character does his damndest to please his wife, but ultimately just can't due to finishing too quickly (though not in the pants type too quickly), or being just a bit too small ( but not crazy small like micro-sized, but more average or just a tad below) and the wife/gf finds someone else (preferably not an ugly bastard) who can get the job done. eh its a tad depressing that the only ones I've found that actually anything like this are PBMW and Good girl gone bad.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
Damn, I can't believe I missed this thread at the beggining. It had such an interesting discussion.

Well, what I truly like is netorare. I can enjoy netori for a quick fap. I don't go anywhere near netorase.

I hate netorase/sharing/swinging/hotwifing, anything that points out that the husband is aware of the cheating and is okay with it. Cheating behind the back is the most arousing scenario for me.

What made me a fan of netorare is the masterpiece . It has everything that true netorare work should have: introduction of the main character and the heroine, how they met, got closer, ended up in love, married and things started to, slowly and gradually, go downhill. The netorare hits really hard here. It actually starts as a cute lovey-dovey story, but Earth isn't a nice place to live in.

It actually is surprisingly pretty realistic. The netorare doesn't happen immediately after the villain inserts his cock at the heroine. It took months (or years? - it's been a long time since I last read it) in the timeline to corrupt her. The whole story itself took some years from beggining to the ending.

I don't recommend it for people that only want to fap. It is a very dark, sad and hard reading. are people talking about it. And an English about it.

As for Western games: I can't say there is any game out there that is truly a netorare one. Hanna's Boat Trip surprisingly had a decent netorare scene, but the game overall lacks the feeling because the writing doesn't make you care about the husband and neither about the couple's relationship. Where It All Began has potential.
I assume you played Boku no Kanojo wa Gaten-kei via text hooker?


Jun 10, 2018
I enjoy two different styles:

1. Guy starts off not knowing, gradually becomes suspicious, but girl continues to ramp it up and eventually does it openly.
2. Guy knows about it but doesn't like it.

This is different than just straight-ahead cheating, which would be behind his back the entire time and the girl would be worried he would find out. It is also a bit more nuanced than most swinging / hotwife / cuckolding scenarios, where the guy is aware of it because he enjoys it and further encourages it.


Jul 29, 2017
I don't want to create a new thread when this exist so;

My favorite part of NTR/Cheating is the secretive section where hidden/stealth sex happens in front of the cucked party. However I feel that its kinda rare in eroge that I find. The only one that I know that has it is

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Dec 21, 2018
But of course there's going to be arguing inside an NTR thread.

Let's just accept that we ALL have pentup tensions within ourselves that are expressed in different variations and call it a day.

Why don't we just enjoy being part of this ride together?
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