Mate, you are overly aggresive and dont even bother to read, just because I said you are wrong you didn't bother to read me good because... for you everything I said is wrong. And well that's your whole point.
Lol, I'm "overly aggresive" and didn't "even bother to read", when you're the one who started this entire ranting when I pointed out you were wrong. And no, I read you, and you were completely and utterly wrong.
However... your definition of NTR the more you talk the more I see how egocentric it is, don't take that the wrong side, I mean by that that you only care about what the MC feels, he may be in love with someone but you don't care if they are in a relationship or not, but NTR by default needs that relationship to be justified in it's existence. If there is no relationship there is no NTR, even more when your "love" is related to family and they don't even see you like that.
Now you're just projecting yourself onto me. Contrary to your very incorrect opinion, I'm looking at the girls feeling, not her love interest. Because if the girl doesn't have a love interest, she can't be stolen. She doesn't need to be in a romantic relationship to be stolen, all it takes is for her to be in love with someone, and someone else "steals" that love for himself.
NTR type C isn't what you said, the heroine is ALWAYS unwilling, this isn't about what you think but what happens in those games, if the girl accepts the rapist in the end it's type B. So yeah, you have clearly admitted that you don't take type C as NTR but it would fall for you in forced cheating.
You whined about me not reading, but you just proved you didn't read what I said at all. I stated "type C" is only NTR if the woman ultimately chooses the rapist over her love interest. So yeah, this proves you have no idea what NTR actually is.
And really with the fully commited NTR, this is something that I can't truly understand why you don't get what I mean, it only says that theorically for a fully commited NTR would be the point where the wife/girlfriend leaves her partner, there are exceptions? yeah. But the whole point of NTR is that the MC is being stolen of his loved one.
Dude, most NTR doesn't end with the woman leaving her husband/boyfriend. But clearly loving the netori more than her husband/boyfriend and willing to drop everything at a moments notice to fulfill his desires. Also, again, the vast majority of the MC's in NTR works, are either the woman being netorare'd, or the man doing the netori, not the woman being netorare'd love interest, who in most cases rarely makes an appearance in the works.
Mate this discussion is going to be eternal because you literally manipulate everything I say just to "randomly prove it's wrong". I will clearly show you how you manipulate what I say:
Not manipulating anything, I debunked your argument and provided proof to support my argument. You on the other hand, are putting words in my mouth by claiming I said something I did not say, and cherry picking what I said to fit your opinion. That's manipulation. But nice projection.
Your response: So wait, you're telling me that feelings have very little to do, than go and make an argument that feelings are very important... and before you say that's not what you're saying, a relationship is based on feelings.
Ok here is how you manipulate, what I said in my whole post is the following:
-For there to be NTR we need a love relationship between the MC and his partner.
-NTR isn't based of if his partner ends up loving more her rapist or the others than the MC.
Exactly where is the incompatibility that you talk about?. I'm not gonna bother to continue this discussion mainly because you don't read me. At the start I did bother to continue answering but not gonna go with that.
Didn't manipulate anything, please actually
read and
comprehend what the other person says! NTR completely depends on the feelings of a woman who is being netorare'd! It's a pretty simple concept, if she loves her husband/boyfriend/son/family/friend, it doesn't matter if she's currently in a romantic relationship, single, etc., what matters is that she loves and cares for someone. Than the netori comes along and through some action, be it rape/drugs/seduction/etc., the woman now loves and cares for the netori more than her husband/boyfriend/son/family/friend.
The incompatibility comes in when you state that the woman has to be in a romantic relationship with someone. And again, the MC is usually the woman being netorare'd or the man who is the netori, not her love interest.
And will end up saying something: The only point you have in your whole post and which one I can agree is this one, the only correct one in your post:
"friend, mother, sister, cousin can be NTR'ed even if they aren't currently in a romantic relationship " that's true but only in one situation, when they have a relationship that is very close, almost lovers but not. A normal friend can't get NTR, it isn't NTR even if you have feelings for her. What we need is some type of relationship that is, at the very least ambiguous.
Wow, great manipulation of my words there. I stated that the
WOMAN'S feelings determine if it's NTR or not. I did not say anything about some random guy. I stated that the
WOMAN'S feelings towards someone, regardless of her "friend, mother, sister, cousin" of the person she has feelings for, is what determines if it's NTR or not.
Will give you an easy example of why I don't accept your definition of NTR, you fall in love with a wife, she doesn't see you like that, she is married as you can guess. So only because you fall in love with her you are already in NTR? and we are even at the end of it because she doesn't see you that way.
... where did I ever say that a man's feelings for a woman, count as NTR? I never said that, so stop "manipulating" my words to alter my argument DawnCry! This isn't NTR because the wife has no feelings for you. It could become NTR if you rape/seduce her and make her love you more than her husband/family, but just falling for someone who is married doesn't mean she NTR'd you.
P.D this deserves a special mention:
First, where did I refuse anything? Can you actually point out where I said that Type C is not NTR? Nope, nowhere, you're just making crap up and putting words in my mouth again. Though Type C is only considered NTR if by the end of the rape, she chooses her rapist over her love interest
-Type C: The heroine is raped in front of the protagonist and he can only helplessly watch it. It's non-consensual from start to finish.
-Type B: Initially, the heroine is raped, blackmailed, drugged or otherwise tricked to have sex with someone other than the protagonist. However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.
If you truly tell me that I'm making crap I'm gonna ask a thousand people to read your comment and the type definitions. Will give you an advance, logic says that you are literally and I mean literally saying that type C isn't NTR. Type C is a dark story in which the girl NEVER falls in love with the rapist. There are other reasons like the girl becoming mind broken or just becomes a slut, but she has no feelings at all for her rapists and she truly values her relationship with her partner from beginning to end of the game.
Yes, you truly are making crap up, because you brought this out of nowhere completely at random. But contrary to your incorrect view, if the woman doesn't choose the rapist over her husband by the end of the story, it's not NTR. She's not being stolen, she's being raped. Being raped in front of her husband does not automatically make this NTR. Also, if she becomes mind broken or a slut, she is still actively choosing the rapist over her husband because of her feelings, IE love, in this case for her rapist dick rather than the rapist as a person.
P.D2: I add this to actually show where we have our differences in thinking and make it clear, feel free to modify this if you think what I said is wrong:
-About the relationship:
*You defend that all types of relationships can be made into NTR, be it friends, family, girlfriend and wife.
*I defend that only the cases of girlfriend/wife (and obviously lover and similars) are the cases of NTR, in the case of friends or family only very specific cases like almost lovers or a very ambiguous relationship would qualify.
Nope, that's not my argument at all, but nice manipulation of my words. I stated that as long as the woman being NTR'd has feelings, such as love, or in the case of family members who are very close but not in an incestuous way, they can be netorare'd. I even provided a specific example of non-romantic relationships between a single mother and her son in Sanbun's work.
-About the NTR:
*You defend that the difference between cheating and NTR is that for it to be NTR the girl needs to end up caring more about the other guy.
*I defend that what matters in NTR is the frequency, it doesn't matter if the girl ends up loving him or you more but that she maintains that outside your relationship with her for a prolongued time.
You have never once brought up any argument referring to "frequency" or anything remotely similar before. And you are completely wrong. Plenty of doujinshi's where you have a housewife who can't get satisfied by her husband sexually, so she's been cheating on him for years, but at the end of the day no man has stolen her from him despite being a better lay than him. It doesn't matter if the woman has been cheating on her husband/boyfriend for years, if she still loves and cares for her husband more than the person she's cheating on him with, it's just cheating, not NTR.
-About cheating:
*You defend that cheating would be anything that doesn't qualify to be NTR, basically if the girl doesn't end up loving the other guy more it isn't NTR but cheating.
*I defend that cheating is based on pov and relate it to puntual acts, basically something that happens once or twice but isn't maintained in time.
You've never stated this at all... and your defense makes no sense at all.
The difference between our points is that I make the line on frequency while you make it on feelings. My whole point is that your point of difference refuses NTR type C because it doesn't end with the girl loving more her rapist, and I say too that your view of the relationships that can generate a NTR relationship is too open.
You've never once brought up "frequency" or anything remotely similar to this idea until this post. And no, NTR type C isn't NTR unless the woman chooses her rapist over her husband/love interest, even if she admits it only in her mind. It doesn't matter if she's mind broken or become a slut, the simple fact is her love for her husband/love interest was stolen.
That's how I synthetize this discussion. In most areas we think the same, mainly because frequency generates feelings and feelings are generated by that frequency. Even more we both accept that wife/girlfriend/lover it would fall under the area of NTR, while the discussion goes about friends/family in which I'm quite more strict and only special cases I would consider it NTR. But well if we see the logic in H games every girl is made so we can fuck her so theorically all girls and relationships would fall under NTR.
Again, you've never once brought up frequency at all until this post. And your "strict" views don't matter on girls being friends/family don't matter. It can be NTR as long as the girl is secretly harboring love or is just really close to her friend/family members.
Also, even "theorically", all girls and relationships do not fall under NTR in H games.