l1lym I loved this game (I love most of the endings, except Grokk slave gruesome ending) and I hope you write a sequel. We need to find out how the girls' hunt for Snib goes. Which is honestly sentenced to a failure from the start, since Elise can't hurt him (but she can hurt herself very easily) and Elara won't do it cause hurting him would be hurting Elise, they basically can't force him to release Elise (and would they even want to at this point?). So it's really not a good idea to hunt him lol unless they want to end up enslaved again (besides, would that be really such a bad thing? they were so damn hot all knocked up).
I really loved the rendering of Elise and Elara pregnant and the status art of Elisa in the green dress. Did the 3d maker change the model for Elise though? Cause Elise's face in the first chapter is completely different from later Elise. Later Elise's face looks much older (over 40 while ch 1 looks 20), plus not nearly as hot as early Elise.
BUT I would ask for a favor for the sequel if possible. Make the pregnancy not a bad end and not only a scripted event. Basically, so Elise (and Elara) can get pregnant by non-humans by screwing up while playing and then being able to escape without suffering a bad end. Basically the pregnancy would be a short divergence/branch out of story from the main line that would eventually return to the main line (like with trains, side lines at stations eventually come back into the main line).
I really like the pregnancy aspect, but the thing I disliked in this story is that pregnancy was either bad end (Grokk, Snib's slave ending) or something that you had to wait for the story development to happen.
The slow breaking of Elise was insanely hot, but I honestly wish that she could've been pushed over the breaking point and fucked earlier without that ending the game. I also wish that it would've been possible for Snib to fuck her without condoms during that night's orgy.
PS: your avatar looks so much like my favorite fashion magazine model in the world it's incredible.
Btw., where could I find more stories or games like this? Slow burn goblin breaking of a female adventurer in a fantasy setting? I know of Corruption of champion (which I hate for many reasons), but are there more games like that and where can I find them?