@pieter de groot I am sorry you seem to be having so much trouble. I have seen reports of black screens and the like for many renpy games but only for particular users and it it often seems to come down to versions of video drivers and windows although nobody ever seems to find a definite answer. Try updating your drivers or maybe try a different machine if you can.
I will have to look into your traceback in a bit more detail as it seems impossible but I may just be assuming that Python is a better programming language than it actually is. Make sure you do the walkabout to the Gym and this should work around your issue. If it doesn't then thats definitly two impossible things before breakfast so I would start a new game and make sure to do all the walkabouts on your first day before you use the intercom. Post a save game here if you get around this issue.
@ArmoredCascade I am sorry you are having trouble progressing. To make sure revenues increase at the start of the game you must make sure to do two admin and two finance sessions each week AND do all the walkabouts at least once. You must continue this each week until the hotel is profitable. From then on everything you need to do should be detailed in the story book but as a general rule you can just cycle through all the walkabouts, use the intercom and go to the gym whenever its available and the story should progress.
I can only apologise again to you all for the bugs in 0.3 which I know cause a lot of frustration. As a result of this experience I will be seperating out the scripts from the art next time so I can release smaller bug fix patches should the need arise again.