For for the love of all that's kinky, do us a favor: PLEASE give us BETTER map markers for people you're hunting for on missions.
Trying to find ANYONE in the starting village, with the dozen or more houses is impossible.
"Oh, didn't you see the nametag on the house?"
Yep. Sure did...and guess what, they're not there!
As a bonus, where they ARE isn't flagged or marked, so you have three choices:
1.) Guess
2.) Dig through the bio for a clue as to where they might be if they're NOT at their marked house.
3.) Try to remember what you were doing the last time you played it, which could've been days/weeks/months ago!
This is beginning to feel like real life work. I have a delivery so and so, and the directory says they're here.
But..they're not there. They left.
When did they leave? Where did they go?
Sorry, I don't know that. They just left.
Can you help me with any kind of clue?
Incidentally, I'm currently at the spot in the chain where you are supposed to..make a book? But in order to do so, you have to talk to the male 'ghoul' that lives in the town.
UNFORTUNATLY, because you can literally give them a name, they don't show up on the map as a named building. Secondly, there is no map marker for them, the quest says they are there, and you can't find them to save your life!
At this point, this is becoming far more troublesome then it's worth with having to chase down every npc in the city because they just happen to take a random stroll and NOBODY know where they are.