Since he seems to be away I'll help out. It's possible and not too difficult to do this. I already was halfway through a mod to double the roster to add the original outfits to the characters while also keeping the new BP and PCP outfits. It was easier to just duplicate the character and make 2 versions of each character to get around outfit restrictions, which also let me add 2 different uncensors to the game, I put the pubic hair mod on the duplicate models. I only stopped because I don't want to have to port it to the next update. So just gonna wait till 1.60 is out to finish it.
To change names and flip hairstyles is even easier and requires less work. You can even mix around outfits. I wanted to make Aika have a unique look like the other wanted girls so I just changed what outfits are called for her, took just a few mins.
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I'll try to make a tutorial with images.
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In the red square. Type 19-24 are the useful ones you need to click to do your edits. Blue square is Procrastinatus's helpful translation to let you know what most stuff does. And don't forget the tabs in the green square to show more variables to edit. Sometimes stuff is 2-3 pages back so you need to flip through them all.
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This is Type 19. This is the levels editor, basically what characters appear in what levels. They are divided into 3 by rarity, so Stage 1 is just commons, stage 1 (extra C) is less commons I think, and obviously S1 (rare C) is for the super rares. Last week someone was complaining about not being able to find 2B. To fix that just go and move 2B from rare to extra to see her more often. Or add her to more levels. You need to go to the page 2 tab up top to choose who appears in the levels. As you can see I've added Chrisia as a rare encounter in stage 4 because I made a little scenario where she gets her pants stolen by a beastman.
After you're done, remember to click Update so it's all saved.
IIRC Type 20 didn't do much so onto 21.
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Type 21. This is what BrainDeadMonkey wants. Name changes. Just pick the character and go to page 2 and there is name 1-9. You type in the little red box below. There is a bunch of other stuff on 21 as well, so make sure to go through all pages and see everything here, but most importantly, this is where you can copy paste characters or add whole new ones, as the type 22-24 rely on character data entered in 21. So always start here if you are making a new character edit. As you can see I've got some duplicates with 2 after their name.
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Now onto type 22. This is where clothing and hairstyles are picked. So what Sonico wants to do. Page 1-4 are all clothing tabs. So go through them all, just click file and you can choose what item is called. You can scroll through the whole games files and choose outfits and mix and match like what I did to Aika. Very easy to do and takes little time. The slightly annoying thing you sometimes will have to deal with is on page 5 though, the layer ordering. Thankfully Procrastinatus put a guide there to show what the numbers are. But this fixes any issues with things like bra's being on top of shirts and other dumb stuff that happens when you try to mod this game. Basically the position in the number string is the item, and the number is the layer. So first digit is the weapon, and Beastwoman has it on layer 3 for all outfits. F front and B back.
Type 23 is the same as 22, just for the alternative poses, like the clothes on sex poses some characters have, so if you want to make one of those, that's where you do the image calls for that.
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Then last is type 24. Where all the dialog is edited. This is pretty well translated and all 5 tabs are full with entries so go explore through them all and write new dialog in the box below. All the non english characters above are a bit confusing sometimes, just leave them there and type after the [ENG]. Also to add facial expression changes to your new dialog, just add the @ and # codes with appropriate numbers right before your dialog string. I will copy paste what Procrastinatus said to me in regards to this.
"Check the F image files, generally speaking it goes like this
@ = F
# = Fx
#0 : Sweat drop
#1 : Blush
#2 : Blush + Sweat drop
#3 : blank <- Using this space to make Emma cry
@0 : Default face expression
@1 : Closed eyes, speaking
@2 : blank <- I'm using it on some characters for cheeky comment expression, post sex stuff, cry face for Emma
@3: Surprised, wide eyes open mouth
@4: Upset
@5: blank <- I'm using it on some characters for overwhelmed pre-ahegao face
@6: Moan, closed eyes, open mouth
@7: Open mouth, for checkup and blowjobs
@8: For kissing
@9: blank <- I'm using it for Ahegao on some characters
So You wanna go
#0@1Are you sure that's necessary? (Sweat drop, closed eyes, talking)
#2@6Ahhh.. Stop it!! (Blushing + Swat drop, eyes closed, open mouth, moaning)
Experiment a bit. You can add 2, 5 and 9 to add further detail to your characters."
And that's basically what you can do in the editor. There might have been a few things I missed or forgot about, I am sure there is more things you can discover in it too, not all of it is translated or figured out yet so just experiment. But for any major stuff beyond this you need to go into Common Events which is the retardedly obtuse part of modding this game that is causing all the problems with updating to new versions.