Too intrusive, no space in the DB, requires new entry and file/coordinates specification for it. or entry specific to the outfit if it's not a new "item" piece. Basically it's not a clean modification but it would need to modify a lot of ingame scripts.
I disagree with the realism of that. You're just some frisky medieval TSA agent. The I changed my mind button sounds nice, but it would also slow down the flow as you have to wait for the animation and click on something while time moves onwards. It's worth consideration though.
It's funny you say that because that's exactly one of the things I was working on before I stopped.
Few tweaks that would trigger in certain cases, like if you used their ass and their other holes next you'd get a comment from it (not on slutty characters, just non-sluts).
Another one was an different/extra greeting comment from the new applicant if you denied and forced to leave naked the previous character (Mandalore's idea) and other in-context variations that make it feel less streamlined.
I decided not to make a last update, not because it doesn't work but because it means adding lines for every in-game character. I may patch it up when the time for an update comes, but don't hold your breath, refer to my stance on updates on that other post I made.