The developer saved the writing of the weightlifting competition at the last moments. I was worried when the dev introduced "Ricky" and THE Chad Thundercock and was then Implicating that they were not going to win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place I was going to call massive CAP on that. "Ricky" I could see with a very wide stretch of the imagination as with that smile and those moves he focuses on charisma and dexterity with a foundation in strength, but CHAD FUCKING THUNDERCOCK is an absolute overall encompassing powerhouse no one there stood a chance against him. We all know that Chad Thundercock solos the verse.
If they were to have actually lost, the only conclusion to that ridiculous outcome would be that the developer had terrible writing skills, a lack of understanding on the proper theory of story crafting, and a possible mental illness that could lead to that delusion in the first place. But the developer absolutely saved it by instead of having them "lose" he instead "sealed" them away, a very good move on the developers part. If they had actually lost I would have been forced to give the game 1 star and possibly report the dev to the UN for violating the Geneva convention.
P.S - Good and Sexy Game
As an addendun. My original plan was to actually have Ricky and Chad compete (and lose) in the weight lifting portion just to make Val's new training and Cindy's innate potential even more obvious.
I didn't go through with it and made them forfeit the competition off-screen for two reasons:
1 - I realized it would be pretty repetititve to have 5 competitors going through all the weight lifting stages, making that portion of the competition pretty boring.
2 - I would have to create a lot more assets for that portion and, by the time I got to it, I just wanted to get it done as soon as possible to proceed to the next stage. So yeah, kinda out of lazyness.
So I realized I had three pawns: A creepy pervert womanizer, A straight-edge justice lord and a Good guy.
It was like all the pieces of the puzzle came together by themselves.