The Interim Domain 0.19.0 update #2
November 2
Okay, we are getting close to having a full new episode for release. Just some testing, polish and some rewrites to get this update in the bag. At this point, we are going to do like we did with
Now & Then, where players will be given certain decision points to minimize undesirable relationships going forward. So, if you're not a fan of Selene (I imagine some of you find her unpleasant), you'll get a choice to end her particular tangent in the main story.
Also in development is an endgame feature to possibly rescue some of the failed relationships of those who went Remnant on you (for those of you not using the walk-though). This implementation will require developing a way back into each character's stories and some alternative sequences to explain the character's return to their life. The narrative groundwork is being laid in this and 0.20.0. Also, it WILL come at a Qi cost, so, you'll need to complete some of the other stories to afford this option.
This release's combination scene is something hinted at for a while if you've been following Robin and Tina throughout. For those wondering how the girls manage finding out that Michael's got more than one relationship, well... Let's just say not everyone is going to feel the same but some pairings work out (for the meantime). To unlock it, though, you will have to clear a few hurdles (track pun not intended). For Tina, you'll have to have been intimate with her recently (after she's made overtures that this is more than just two friends). And Robin? You have to have seen one of her more recent story scenes where she talks with Tina in the dorm.
Thanks for your support and interest,