4.10 star(s) 63 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021


So, I guess September is sci-fi month. We hadn't planned it out that way, but with the . we kinda set it up to happen this way. So, September 2024's Public Wallpapers continue this with some Cyberpunk styled content. Almost makes me think we should consider a sci-fi style game in the future.

And for wallpaper #2, it's okay to imagine Apollyon saying " ".

Also, check out the .


September 2024 Public #1


September 2024 Public #2

Hope you enjoy!



The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
I have to say, rarely did negative reviews for a game make me this mad.
When I see that this game has about 3.5 stars out of 5 and then look at the absolutely abysmal games that have the same or much better ratings, it really.... it's so frigging frustrating.

This game has such a unique idea, worthy of being explored in an actual novel, so many characters and none are just walking pussies without any depths to them and yet people judge it after the first few minutes or they judge it for not just being the same as the dev's first game.


Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
I have to say, rarely did negative reviews for a game make me this mad.
When I see that this game has about 3.5 stars out of 5 and then look at the absolutely abysmal games that have the same or much better ratings, it really.... it's so frigging frustrating.

This game has such a unique idea, worthy of being explored in an actual novel, so many characters and none are just walking pussies without any depths to them and yet people judge it after the first few minutes or they judge it for not just being the same as the dev's first game.
I agree - the reviews of this AVN just don't match up with the quality and content of this AVN.

This is the kind of story that would make a great multi-season TV show on HBO/other networks that can show adult content.

It has a great story with drama, twists and mysteries; it is an unusual and interesting take on the end of the world; and it has great relationship potential - introduction of LI's, growing closeness with those LI's and the LI's actually building relationships with some of the other LI's due in part to the MC's work.

Now with some of the actual endings available, it makes the hardest part of this AVN (IMO) - saying goodbye to women that you have grown close to - sting a lot less.

I include Mira and Apollyon in this as their journeys are also unusual and their relationships with the MC and each other are among my favorites for this story.

The women - LI's - are not truly gone - just waiting in the new world for the MC, and by the mid-November release, we will be able to choose from among any of the LIs who to spend life with in the 'new' world.

Cheers!! :coffee:


Aug 9, 2016
This is an interesting game because it never found an audience. Some people tried it, bounced off, and then the game was basically ignored by everyone. It's been out for a couple years with steady updates and has ... 42 reviews. It's barely anything.

To me it's a great game, but it's definitely not for everyone. It's creative and has long relationships with the LIs that go beyond the initial conquests. It takes a while but builds the whole time. I did eventually mod it so I could catch up on all the side stories every update, but that's really the only thing that bothered me about it. For people who are patient, like reading, and are willing to try something different, this is 5 stars.

Also to me it's quite similar to his last game. The structure is pretty much the same: meet girls and have side stories with them while working through the main plot. If anything this game is a step up because it has more LIs and they have more interactions with each other. Yet Now & Then was popular while this game was dead in the water.

I suppose a contrasting example is The Last Sovereign. That game is also excellent and also niche with massive text walls and RPGM. Yet somehow that game found an audience and has a decent score and number of reviews on this site. I wish this game got the same response.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2017
Also to me it's quite similar to his last game. The structure is pretty much the same: meet girls and have side stories with them while working through the main plot. If anything this game is a step up because it has more LIs and they have more interactions with each other. Yet Now & Then was popular while this game was dead in the water.
No, not really.
It has more characters sure, but that isn't a good thing necessarily, having a few which are focused on, character depth and growth, as well as story is always beating having more imo.

The girls interact somewhat, not much and only some of them, for the most part their storys are self contained.
In his other game they obviously interacted all way more with each other, they were stuck together the entire story.
One thing i really liked way more in the other game was it had one story which you followed continiously, while this is manly doing a part of a LI story, then doing a part of another LI and so on, with a bit main story in between.
I just never got warm with this 'sandbox' style.

I wasn't the biggest fan of this game as it started, over time and it became good imo, still...compared to his other game it falls flat for me.
The story and ideas are rather unique i'd say, but it could have been more...it feels like wasted potential imo.
Ifuma is a other thing i just find lacking. He is portrait as such an huge threat, but he does pretty much nothing/isn't really a threat most of the time, neither feels like one...even when he got powered up near the end, all he does is nothing.
I hoped at least for an really good end fight...which also fell completely flat.

Not a particular fan of the endings as well, at least i hoped for new different world, not continuing a few years before the old get busted.
As for the LI endings, the only ones which i liked, among the currently avaivable ones, are Marissa's and Roe's. At least in them you got the impression that they were really waiting and hoping for their ''destined'' love.

At the end it's an good game imo, certainly above average of what is avaivable on the this site, just not great.

On a other note. If i remember correctly, what many, especially early on, made them drop or not like the game was this sandbox style and from what i recall also that they are already death...so no particular investment in the LI's, as your whole job was solving their problems and help them moving on.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
Yeah, all the complaints I've heard aren't "it's not like Now & Then", they're:

* It's very depressing for far too many hours at the start
* There is zero emotional connection to any of the girls for a very long time
* The disjointed nature of the girls' stories makes them feel totally disconnected from each other and from the MC (and that's by design!)
* The combined scenes with multiple girls are missable, and girls' stories inherently cannot rely on each other for anything important because the girls' stories are, intentionally and fundamentally, not connected to each other (since any girl can have passed on at any time of any other girl's story, except the few pairs of girls who are inextricably linked like Kaitlin and Anya)

So those are the primary complaints, and I haven't seen anything that fixes any of those.

ETA a note: the reason people compare it to Now & Then is because Now & Then does not have ANY of these problems. The depression and emotional connection with the girls is solved almost immediately by the Carol relationship growing right off the bat to offset the depressing setting. This game has nothing like that, and I consider the "choose a girl's story" mechanic to be a colossal failure.
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Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
Here is the latest Dev Log and October's release will bring us Many endings.

The Interim Domain 0.30.0 update #1
10 hours ago
And the last of Natalie's storyline. That's what we're working on for 0.30.0. Who all gets endings scenes?

  • Natalie
  • Robin
  • Kara
  • Sammy
  • Apollyon
  • Mira
And let me tell you that putting together the ending sequences has been a hell of a lot of work. I guess we shouldn't be surprised considering the endings for Now & Then required us to start working on them six months before we released that build. This is feeling like as much (if not more) work.
Based on some feedback, we did add Allison's path to the Story Replay mode, so if you failed to complete (or see both Mira's and Allison's sides of the story), you'll be able to do it now.
I will say one of the things I did enjoy doing the endings was creating the parents Michael meets when being introduced to the family. Yeah, some of them you don't spend a lot of time with, but others, like Marisa's mother, Helen, were fun to put together an older version who could feasibly be their parent.
Thanks for your interest and patronage,

Cheers!! :coffee:


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Yeah, all the complaints I've heard aren't "it's not like Now & Then", they're:

* It's very depressing for far too many hours at the start
* There is zero emotional connection to any of the girls for a very long time
* The disjointed nature of the girls' stories makes them feel totally disconnected from each other and from the MC (and that's by design!)
* The combined scenes with multiple girls are missable, and girls' stories inherently cannot rely on each other for anything important because the girls' stories are, intentionally and fundamentally, not connected to each other (since any girl can have passed on at any time of any other girl's story, except the few pairs of girls who are inextricably linked like Kaitlin and Anya)

So those are the primary complaints, and I haven't seen anything that fixes any of those.

ETA a note: the reason people compare it to Now & Then is because Now & Then does not have ANY of these problems. The depression and emotional connection with the girls is solved almost immediately by the Carol relationship growing right off the bat to offset the depressing setting. This game has nothing like that, and I consider the "choose a girl's story" mechanic to be a colossal failure.

Yeah, people DO NOT COMPLAIN because it's not the same game as "Now & Then," sure. Funny though that despite your claim, you yourself compare it to Now & Then, thereby showing that yes, people do indeed complain because the game is not the same as Now & Then.

Now & Then is a good game, but it had weaknesses on the same level this game has, but with a lot less character work and a far less interesting story. I can't remember how often I sped through even the h-scenes because it was so boring and repetitive, several character arcs were underdeveloped and some were never brought to a satisfactory ending.
And that doesn't mean it wasn't' t a fun game that I enjoyed playing through, but it definitely wasn't better than Interim Domain in any way, on the contrary you can see it in almost every scene how the dev has improved.

Also, I basically don't agree with ANY of your bullet points. On the contrary, I felt an emotional connection with most girls from the start and even with those I didn't at first, it was different later on or in the end.
You complain about how little the stories are interlinked, but that is down to the setting. It's not our reality, basically all girls have their own set of characters around them and the MC is injected in their webs.
Considering this, it's almost unrealistic that SO MANY of the girls' stories are connected at all. A mum and her daughter both NOT passing on, her teacher as well? In a dimension where basically all souls that haven't passed on live in the same "city" it would be completely understandable if NONE of the stories were connected.
The technique of having other important characters be part of one character's storyline, by showing only the interactions between them is tried and true, just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a non-valid way of storytelling.
This has to be considered an anthology type of storytelling but with an overarching narrative.
In the end, when the game is finished, you can just go and play a specific girl's storyline from beginning to end, or you could concentrate on getting through the overall setting as fast as possible.
You want the stories to be interconnected and due to that, you see their stand-alone nature as a weakness, but that isn't a failure on the game's side, that is YOU looking at it from an arguably wrong POV (wanting the game to be something it isn't and then thinking it is lesser because it doesn't fit your expectations).


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
Yeah, people DO NOT COMPLAIN because it's not the same game as "Now & Then," sure. Funny though that despite your claim, you yourself compare it to Now & Then, thereby showing that yes, people do indeed complain because the game is not the same as Now & Then.
Yes. Because some of the things that this game does terribly, Now & Then did well. Comparing to another game is not the same as wanting the games to be identical, which is how the game's defenders keep mischaracterizing the complaints.

Since most of your disagreements are wildly subjective and amount to little more than that you liked the things I (and others) disliked, I'll just respond to the most egregious thing you said.

You complain about how little the stories are interlinked, but that is down to the setting.
Settings do not exist in a vacuum. This is not an already-established setting that the developer is adding a story into, to which the developer is not allowed to make changes.

The developer chose this story and created this setting. The developer chose for the stories to be disconnected from each other from the beginning, which is why I said it was "by design", and yes, I do find that to be a major flaw (and I find it to be a significant and fundamental flaw of most anthology-style games).

If you can remove 90% of the game's story (say, all the girls' stories) and the core of the remaining story continues to be narratively sound and unchanged? That 90% did not have a meaningful impact on the game. The only narrative purpose the girls' stories have on the core story is in gathering their Qi at the end to get the better endings. I consider that bad writing.
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Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
I think we all have different takes on parts of TID based on who we identify with and our own life experiences.

I have female friends who gave up teaching for various reasons (one was assaulted in school and injured - she was reprimanded for trying to stop a fight instead of waiting for several male teachers to arrive to help. The female 16 year old that ambushed her got a 'stern' warning...).

I very much identify with Saaya and her story arc due to this.

botc76 talked about TID as an anthology and I think this is a good description, with different 'sets of baggage' holding each of the LIs back, with only minor bridges linking some LI stories to other LI stories.

I just finished the Kaitlyn and Anya story arcs, sending them on, and it was hard to send them on... for me - this was emotional even though I knew it was coming.

The small vignette once they were sent on was nice - a few pictures of Kaitlyn with some commentary on her journey, then the same for Anya.

I thought this was nicely done, a short epilogue for their journeys.

If their stories do not resonate with others, then I would not expect them to carry the emotional weight that they did for me.

I think TID is a very different experience depending on whether you played all 7 encounters each month or if you started it late and played different LI content at your chosen pace and in whatever order you preferred.

I missed a Mira/Allison event, so I went back about 100 days and redid TID from that event forward, only recently catching up to about v 0.26/27.

My experience was different, and better, than it was when I did the monthly playthrough.

I am especially enjoying the Mira/Apollyon relationships, where two eternal beings have chosen to invest in the MC and are enjoying their time with him.

I enjoyed N&T, I am enjoying TID and I am looking forward to the prologue and chapter 1 of Toxicity when it releases in mid-December.

I'm glad that they are different styles of AVNs and, if this helps keep the dev engaged and improves his creativity - even better!

Cheers!! :coffee:


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021
Here is the latest Dev Log and October's release will bring us Many endings.

The Interim Domain 0.30.0 update #1
10 hours ago
And the last of Natalie's storyline. That's what we're working on for 0.30.0. Who all gets endings scenes?

  • Natalie
  • Robin
  • Kara
  • Sammy
  • Apollyon
  • Mira
And let me tell you that putting together the ending sequences has been a hell of a lot of work. I guess we shouldn't be surprised considering the endings for Now & Then required us to start working on them six months before we released that build. This is feeling like as much (if not more) work.
Based on some feedback, we did add Allison's path to the Story Replay mode, so if you failed to complete (or see both Mira's and Allison's sides of the story), you'll be able to do it now.
I will say one of the things I did enjoy doing the endings was creating the parents Michael meets when being introduced to the family. Yeah, some of them you don't spend a lot of time with, but others, like Marisa's mother, Helen, were fun to put together an older version who could feasibly be their parent.
Thanks for your interest and patronage,

Cheers!! :coffee:
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Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
I'm playing my 4th ending now - Mina.

When the MC goes to look to see what happened to the other LI's, I always see Kaitlin in college and, the way she looks at the MC, it is like she Knows that he is special, but I am on a different path.

It's funny to me how Kaitlin resonates with me now (she did not early in TID), especially given the changes (so the MC is her age, and she is very healthy - never having been in that car accident).

I like the new world start where the MC begins in high school and he gets to decide who he wants/needs to be to find the love of his life, as chosen at the end when the Cycle resets everything.

This makes sense to me - both from a - time to develop into 'who you need to be' as well as providing some common background for each epilogue LI path (and being able to maintain one update/month which the dev has maintained like clockwork :love: ).

There is a greedy part of me that wants to have a harem of like 8 - 10 of the women but I know that a harem is not part of this story ending (although I am still holding out hope for a Mira/Polly throuple ending with the November release).

I've played, and enjoyed, the endings for:

Mina (WIP)

I have to say that all the women are better looking in the reborn world.

It is like the Interim Domain washed them out and they were less before being reborn.

The endings give the 'goodbyes' context and, for me, piece of mind - the MC did the hard work and now he gets the rewards.

No rewards would have absolutely sucked.

Now, I am heading back to Mina and the other women whose endings are ready to be enjoyed.

Cheers!! :coffee:
4.10 star(s) 63 Votes