Much as I like this game, I cannot bring myself to goddamn play it. Because the movement and mini-game mechanics are beyond frustrating.
Replaying through the whole thing every release is out of the question, and old saves were incompatible, so fine, I restarted the game and skipped to the camp minigame because that's where I last left off. Spent 30 minutes just grinding out the quest, cheating my ass off to skip as much as possible. When the quest is finally finished, I set off to find the Guardian camp, and am instantly reminded of just how shit traversal is in this game. You move slow af, carry capacity is pitiful so if you want to sprint (which doesn't even help that often), better dump all your shit, collision for objects make zero sense, every map is a maze with almost no landmarks, real-time day/night cycle means if you don't know where you're going you're screwed, can't see a thing at night, even with a torch active, and fast travel may as well not exist for when it actually matters. I somehow end up back in the swamp map and eventually all the way back to the second campsite, only to discover that the quest trigger is still there, meaning even the story checkpoints weren't done properly.
And to cap it off, once I somewhat remembered the map layout and got to the Guardian camp, pointers to the next location were vague af, and not even recorded in the quest log. Amazing.
I want to like this game, but please. Quality of life changes. I beg of the developer, make playing the game not suck.