I love the premise of the game and whole concept of being stranded in strange place with limited resources and primal dangers with sex as one of them
...and now I can add that I love how protagonist's subconsciousness works!
The "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" mushroom trips are nearly perfect comic reliefs - they are vulgar and yet so girlish and sublime. It seems Olivia strives for some refined etiquette civilisation standards she's missing in the wilderness, but her libido and overall carnal regression twists it all over the place.
The whole montage of contrasting reality and mushroom trip absurdity with use of Habanera from Bizet's "Carmen" to accent a dick ride made me laugh so much, yet had some redeeming factor for Olivia.
Flying horse cocks with butterfly faerie wings? That is serious Freud shit! Great tension between maiden innocence and size queen insatiablity she struggles to merge in herself.
Yes, Olivia. We've been inside your mind, we know that...
Anyway, after some problems encountered during my playthrough I need to ask some questions about unsolved quests and other stuff, since I don't know what was implemented and how far story goes.
1. Can you save Sendaya in or this quest is in development?
It seems my efforts are hanging in this place of progress bar and questing by each girl ends in failure every time.
2. Should "Reunion" quest be marked as finished after getting back with Caissie? It seems it still hangs in my quest list, but I've got her in my team and I can assign her to camp. So what more is there to do?
Same goes with "The Guardians". I've found ways of communication with them, since completion of temple quest, yet it still hangs as available. Confusing.
3. Questions about new features:
- Added a teleportation room to the cheat area. The teleportation activates with the game progression (to prevent irregularity)
- Added a "gallery" room to the cheat area that allows to play the current animations in the game
- Added a shovel to the game. The shovel is a required item to dig items from the treasure map and can be bought for Influence at the Guardian vendor in the village
OK. Where is this cheat area?
4. Can Olivia and her team get some more encounters with Mister Gerald in future?