Can someone explain in a nutshell how the gameplay works for this? Do you have to make the girls make a mistake or lose a fight or something to see the adult content? Or are the characters you play as trying to "seduce" the other characters on the island?
I struggle in general to understand female-protagonist games... if you are playing as a female character and the goal is to seduce other characters, I really just can't relate to that as a straight male lol... so it makes it impossible to get invested in the game and story. If on the other hand, the female protag just constantly gets forced or pressured or whatever into doing things, again this is a weird perspective for a straight guy to be playing that from the girl's perspective... ("oh yay I lost a fight so now I am gonna get pounded out..." oh wait...) it also would seemingly put your two desires at odds, as you want to see the adult content, but at the same time losing or making bad choices is not generally the way to advance and beat a game so.... yeah just confusing as fuck all around.
This is why I tend to skip anything female protagonist, but this caught my eye and I am curious to see if I am just totally misunderstanding how the gameflow will work in this case. It seems like in general most of these games, you could just make the game from the perspective of a male protagonist, and it would all be a lot clearer and not have all these weird conflicting situations like I described above... unless it's about making a game to appeal to female players and/or guys who secretly fantasize about being a woman, in which case it makes sense, but that is also going to inherently be a much much smaller target audience.