Don't remember the exact processes, but the following steps should help those who asked or at least get you trying things that should work...
(give me feedback if I've got things wrong and I'll try and edit)
...are these talking about: After you get knocked out and kidnapped in a cutscene by the Gangster/Cartel boss and wake up in a dark room?
Hi, I'm stuck where the gangster leader captures you. I'm in the room but I don't know what to do. I don't know how to escape. Has anyone already been there? If you can help me with that, thank you.
how to escape from cartel boss, from being a dog?
- if you're stuck in the dark, just walk right until you reach the wall (up/down along the wall?) and something should happen eventually
If it's after that part and you're dressed up like a pet dog with a leash and collar, bound to the wall?
- try walking around if you're attached to the wall
- if you screw up step 6 it may throw you back to replay a scene, but it will give you another chance afterward where you can try again
let me know if that's helpful enough or if I remembered it incorrectly and I'll try and edit for the inevitable next person to ask
...are these talking about: what's at the (current) end of the game, after being captured by the criminal leader/mastermind?
i cat leave 3 sex poses with office boss help
not certain what you're saying here and/or about what triggers each new scene/pose, but you might need to repeat a scene or try other options for that part of the game you've been neglecting (take time to try choices not related to the jail cell and see if anything new happens)
made a reply months ago that explained what I remembered at the time, but it might not be totally accurate. I'm copying/pasting from that reply below (may have not listed off the details in the correct order, so let me know if this helps but I need to make a correction):
try and make progress until you can talk to her in her jail cell about who helped her get extra strong.
(To talk instead of starting a scene, you might have to designate her torture scheme as resting for the day first? I haven't played around with the current final chapter much, so it's unclear what allows you to do that)
She'll eventually admit she got help from someone(the Professor) and it'll start up a sequence where I believe you talk to her old boss, which triggers something new where the biker guy will get an option to have the to kidnap a fan to meet Sluterella in her prison cell. Forget how much I had done prior to that being an option(on the night raid map, et cetera), but keep making progress and eventually the option to get that started will appear. After you task the biker on bringing a fan to see her, I think that's when you can pick 'Elixir' as an option (should be able to bring a fan to see her at least twice)