Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Uncle Loco your AVN, your vision, your decision. Great to honour your friend's vision / work.

Cool update by the way. Fights are the same amount of work as lewd scenes right?
I mean some stills don't work so you gotta create more renders showing the movement, right?

And this update got both. And some more plot thickening. I like it. (y)

But I gotta pester you about Lily again though. I want her back. Like NOW! Or there'll be a riot. All pitchforks and torches!:ROFLMAO: (Just kidding. Or not! Already made the same comment about her before and will do so in every future posting too! :p)
Glad you are enjoying the game. I created a lot of new locations for chapter 4 which took a lot of time to do so. I am still learning Daz and figuring out these animations. I did get a good tip for animations which saved render time by a lot before chapter 4 animations would take me 8-16 hours per animation now it is about 4-6 hours per animation. This is a good thing since there will be a lot more lewd content in the upcoming chapters.

The best part is the script for the game is basically fully written with all endings planned for each character. Writing is not really a delay point anymore, but I have been tweaking things and adding a new character that was not planned for originally.

Lily spoiler Lily will be back at some point, she is a minor character though so her role is limited.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2018
I get that a lot of people are unhappy with the twins. They are characters that were created by a friend of mine who passed and are designed based on a character from another popular VN. My friend helped write the dialog for them in the game, based on how he envisioned them. Out of respect, I chose to not make them love interests or even side girls, per his request. I am going to respect the wishes of my friend. However, the original plan was to bring them in and then they would get a separate story down the road. That idea has now been scrapped due to the hate I have received about them. They will still have their planned role in the story and will show up in a few future chapters for key plot points, and then you won't see them again.
till then your harem fans have all vanished...cause even i didnt play but only the mention of those scenes gets you a humilating feel...or was it the intention to humilate the mc??


Active Member
Aug 3, 2018
I get that a lot of people are unhappy with the twins. They are characters that were created by a friend of mine who passed and are designed based on a character from another popular VN. My friend helped write the dialog for them in the game, based on how he envisioned them. Out of respect, I chose to not make them love interests or even side girls, per his request. I am going to respect the wishes of my friend. However, the original plan was to bring them in and then they would get a separate story down the road. That idea has now been scrapped due to the hate I have received about them. They will still have their planned role in the story and will show up in a few future chapters for key plot points, and then you won't see them again.
till then your harem fans have all vanished...cause even i didnt play but only the mention of those scenes gets you a humilating feel...or was it the intention to humilate the mc??


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
No need to fight about the twins or any other character/story issues. If some want to complain let them, it is their right to do so. It is my story and I understand that there will always be some that don't like what I create, write, or do just like any other dev. I am thankful for everyone that has given my VN a chance and all the feedback I have been given. I understand there are going to be things that people do not like and I am 100% ok with that. I made a VN 100% free, I take no donations at all for the work I am doing on this story. I choose to share it with the group here, and I understand all the negatives. positive and neutral feedback that comes with doing so.
Great mentality to have but, for me at least, it's not so much arguing about the twins more the lack of logic behind a certain persons arguments.

My comment to Preskard was just banter so I don't mean them.

I mean the one ranting nonsense about HAREM this and HAREM that and I still have no clue what 2 people that aren't part of that HAREM are making him so mad about the HAREM that he needs to use all caps.

This also ties into a much bigger problem on these forums of certain people that don't like a game demanding a dev change things to suit them rather than using a bit of not so common sense and moving the fuck along.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
till then your harem fans have all vanished...cause even i didnt play but only the mention of those scenes gets you a humilating feel...or was it the intention to humilate the mc??
The twins and TKA have a unique relationship with the MC. I will say the twins do not trust the MC when they meet him, so they treat him just like any other male they meet. They are just doing a favor for Alexis. Their relationship and trust will be built over time but in a much different way.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Great mentality to have but, for me at least, it's not so much arguing about the twins more the lack of logic behind a certain persons arguments.

My comment to Preskard was just banter so I don't mean them.

I mean the one ranting nonsense about HAREM this and HAREM that and I still have no clue what 2 people that aren't part of that HAREM are making him so mad about the HAREM that he needs to use all caps.

This also ties into a much bigger problem on these forums of certain people that don't like a game demanding a dev change things to suit them rather than using a bit of not so common sense and moving the fuck along.
No worries at all, I know how you can get on some of the threads here. Just happy to see you here and that you are playing my VN.

I know everyone has different opinions on how harem's should or shouldn't work in a VN. I have my plan for this story and I am sticking to it. Sure some choices might seem odd but everything is in here for a reason even those crazy twins. Some things won't make sense until much later in the story and others you will completely miss until I point them out.

Deleted member 1571716

Conversation Conqueror
Aug 7, 2019
No need to fight about the twins or any other character/story issues. If some want to complain let them, it is their right to do so. It is my story and I understand that there will always be some that don't like what I create, write, or do just like any other dev. I am thankful for everyone that has given my VN a chance and all the feedback I have been given. I understand there are going to be things that people do not like and I am 100% ok with that. I made a VN 100% free, I take no donations at all for the work I am doing on this story. I choose to share it with the group here, and I understand all the negatives. positive and neutral feedback that comes with doing so.
I remember this game now. The homage to the other dev was the reason I decided to dl it. But I thought it was called something else before. Well, I'm old and the memory isn't so good these days. I'll dl it again and actually give it a go. Despite the fact we can't choose all the girls for the harem. lol


Active Member
Aug 13, 2018
@ Uncle Loco

is still young and idealistic. She still tries to reason with folk that are way beyond that.
Unfortunately said people always lack the cognitive capabilities to handle her snark too.

That combo is a recipie for drama. Especially on the internet where everyone is bigger, stronger and smarter than the next one.


I think she meant that your mindset about your work and dealing with shittery...er negativity is a good one and also one that is healthy for yourself.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
May I feed the trolls, dev? I'll just go shit in the corner and give them somethin' to chew on. No worries about the smell. A mod will likely come round later and clean up the mess. :p

On a serious note... I like your story and I like your attitude even better. Well, all except those damned twins of course.:cool:

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
May I feed the trolls, dev? I'll just go shit in the corner and give them somethin' to chew on. No worries about the smell. A mod will likely come round later and clean up the mess. :p

On a serious note... I like your story and I like your attitude even better. Well, all except those damned twins of course.:cool:
Thank you for the feedback and I am glad you are enjoying the story so far (with the exception of the twins). Chapter 5 is being worked on now and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
@ Uncle Loco

is still young and idealistic. She still tries to reason with folk that are way beyond that.
Unfortunately said people always lack the cognitive capabilities to handle her snark too.

That combo is a recipie for drama. Especially on the internet where everyone is bigger, stronger and smarter than the next one.


I think she meant that your mindset about your work and dealing with shittery...er negativity is a good one and also one that is healthy for yourself.
Oh I know we have crossed paths numerous times in another thread. I always enjoy her banter. I was really happy to see her show up here.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2018
I barely have any time to play games on here like I used to. To show how much time I don't have, I recently updated a steam game that I love to play and since the update last week, I've only put 2 hours into it. What I do is I will check the recent updates page over a few minutes, put any links I download into jdownloader then go do some more work while it's downloading. So I honestly only get to play games over a few minutes here and there. The reason I typed this is because this game did get my attention and I liked what I played so far. So I'm keeping it on my hard drive to continue later. You've got a new fan, Uncle Loco.

Then I have to read about those few people bitching and whining over the twins. My eyes rolled so hard I was staring at my brain so I'm glad that unlike them, I actually have one. Honestly, it's a waste of my time and yours to read those posts. Just report those posts then put them on ignore and your lives will be better. I'd love to give them a piece of my mind but if I did, I'd risk my post being swept up in a deletion spree. So report and ignore. It saves threads.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Just the kind of crap that really doesn't belong in a harem game. At that point in the game there should be an X marker to delete the game from the computer.
Jesus H Christ, you're just a broken clock, aren't you?

Why the hell are you still here complaining about the game if you dislike it so much, surely you must have better things to do?
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Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
I barely have any time to play games on here like I used to. To show how much time I don't have, I recently updated a steam game that I love to play and since the update last week, I've only put 2 hours into it. What I do is I will check the recent updates page over a few minutes, put any links I download into jdownloader then go do some more work while it's downloading. So I honestly only get to play games over a few minutes here and there. The reason I typed this is because this game did get my attention and I liked what I played so far. So I'm keeping it on my hard drive to continue later. You've got a new fan, Uncle Loco.

Then I have to read about those few people bitching and whining over the twins. My eyes rolled so hard I was staring at my brain so I'm glad that unlike them, I actually have one. Honestly, it's a waste of my time and yours to read those posts. Just report those posts then put them on ignore and your lives will be better. I'd love to give them a piece of my mind but if I did, I'd risk my post being swept up in a deletion spree. So report and ignore. It saves threads.

Thank you for the kind words and I am glad you are enjoying my story so far. I read everything thing posted about my story. Good bad and neutral. I want to share my story and learn from my mistakes for future projects. I know I can not please everyone, but I am happy when I find some that do enjoy the work I have put into this project. It is not easy to write, render, animate, and code all on your own with only a limited amount of time to do so. After doing it I have a much stronger appreciation for other devs now, which is why I add a little thank you in each chapter for a dev that I enjoy their work.


Oct 16, 2020
I have a question about the word " Chad " ,
are they suppose be some sort of of " Alpha-male "?

I just thought it was an other name for a douchebags.
They are Gods to incels, or have I misunderstood this?

Anyway the game is interesting.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
I have a question about the word " Chad " ,
are they suppose be some sort of of " Alpha-male "?

I just thought it was an other name for a douchebags.
They are Gods to incels, or have I misunderstood this?

Anyway the game is interesting.
Glad you are enjoying the game so far. I hope you enjoy it going forward.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Well ... MC is talking about his ma one start of the game .. then he wakes up next to his ma ..
only this is another babe and shje really acts like his ma, being all worried and stuff.
MC is kind of a downer, but he has some spunk, working to put money aside,
plotting to use that money to buy into a game with other people, then showing initiative in
going for the girl he befriended in the game. That girl prety much shuts him down
before she takes her own initiative and decides to have some fun with MC.
Pretty much hunger games/maze movies all over again.
MC is skipping a lot of time and people in the game, the girls have the initiative, MC has not.
maybe his brain was turned into pulp during his fall
No worries, I understand your point. They are in chapter 3 and then will not return until chapter 7 I think, just in case you wanted to give it another shot. Either way no hard feelings. Thank you for your feedback and for at least trying out my story.
The twins and TKA have a unique relationship with the MC. I will say the twins do not trust the MC when they meet him, so they treat him just like any other male they meet. They are just doing a favor for Alexis. Their relationship and trust will be built over time but in a much different way.
The problem is, this is a harem about girls who MC is supposed to collect in said harem.
There seems to be nothing gained but hurt feelings for MC to see some jerk flaunt his sex slaves around.
You could make it that the dude would befriend the MC or include him in the scene.
The way the scene is right now, MC is the beggar nobody idiot and the Chad jerk shits on MC.

Did you put Milf in this game
I have a question about the word " Chad "
Chad in this game, unfortunately, is about some other male who flaunts his ”slaves”,
because they both are his and they wear sex slave collars, all in the face of MC.
Unfortunatelly, this is not lighting the fire inside MC and is not promoting his manlyness,
have to agree, all that posturing how they are this or that to spite MC is in bad taste,
precisely as MC is living on borrowed time from Alexis, he is down and they are twisting the dagger deep.
Such scenes work if MC was Dominic toretto,
or the rock, or any male lead in a plot oriented story with real chops as the protagonist.
MC is written like a nobody some girls show pity to, so the chad scenes feel totally out of place:
”Look at us, we have so much ourselves, not you, you dumb fuck, HA Ha HA!”
Then the Chad twsits the dagger further: ”They are mine, you looser, we spite you so much, you idiot!”
MC lost all the character development from the life before the fire.
Now a punching bag for assholes who like to belittle and shit on him for sport.
This kind of toxic bitchy friends destory all possible development for MC, they just exist to hinder him every time.
These bitches even scared off Lilly, the one girl actually supporting MC. This is a total regression period for MC.
Last edited:


Oct 6, 2020
Sorry, not sorry but any one complaining about the twins need to go back to school for some reading comprehension.

It was made clear from before they even appeared on the screen they where not for the MC and the MC wasn't to touch them. It was really clear, zero doubt. Nothing hinted at them maybe coming around or the whole "not for him" being a tease. Just see them as a cameo.

They where not for him, they talked about their daddy from the first greeting. If you still thought they were of the mc then that's on you.
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