I am not trying to be a hater or anything. And I have a notion on how you intend to bring Alexis back... If I am correct then you will take something else from the MC just to bring her back. You have already taken 1 potential child away from the MC, was that not enough?
Anyway it is your game, I think you had a great game going before you killed Alexis, now the game feels hollow without her. I think every harem game needs a queen character. Alexis was the MC's strength. Lets be real... Bob is not mentally strong. Just look how he handled her death.... not good, he was not there for the rest of the girls.
There is just nothing to be invested in anymore, you keep too many secrets from the MC, so he just feels like a pawn, and not very important, at least 2-3 girls are pregnant, but they don't feel they can tell him... so eventually you will spring the news on the MC... how is he suppose to feel that they would not tell him? I would be upset, but I don't feel like taking that ride with the MC.
Anyway thank you for the great game up to 0.11, I will replay that because all of that was great, had love, humor, action, some sadness.. but not too much. Your game was the best vampire game I had ever played up to that point.
well anyway I wish you well.