I never understood those B.&G. guys anyways. They call updates on a half-baked Click'n'Click thing? Hell, I was banned on Farm-a-Rama for using the BlueStack (Android) hacks and now they come with that? Ok... Just a quick indexing for cheating this...
Just take CheatEngine (CE) hook it to the exe. Then DO NOT open the door until you have several adresses for resources.
Resources: 4bytes, grouped nicely. Just take water, so you got about 12, 1st-search it in CE, take water, next-search you got it. Activate the check box, so value is fixed. Do the same with other stuff you need.
Staff: unknown identifiers, but took 5 mins to get all of these. First, you search the HP as 2 bytes. Then you need an event that drops some HP. Stuff the employee in a love box. Use some items so hunger does not drop them back to the cell. Now next-search it in CE.
HP: 2bytes (maybe 4bytes) #0
Sub: 2bytes(maybe 4bytes) +#7c
Lust: undefined, we take the top byte at +#8c and set it to 100 (hex 64)
Mental: undefined, top byte at +#9a and set it to 200 (hex c8)
Hunger: undefined, top byte at +#e6 and set it to 200 (hex c8)
Enhanced Chest Farming:
Use a animation glitch to get the green chests. When the night is about to end and you have a lvl 9 customer ready set the employee in the box. Open the dialogue of the customer position the mouse over 'yes' and watch the clock in the upper right closely. About 3 pixels before 'morning' click yes. The initial animation prevents the customer to leave and you get a chest more.
Crap items
When you open a green chest and get a item the second time, you can not use it. It is equipable, but the stats do not get upgraded. So this piece of software has to be cheated, right? To get rid of an item, equip it to the corresponding class and drop the employee in the cauldron (sacrifice). You cheated on staff and resources, so I guess you can afford to cheat on gold and cyrstals, too.
I am undecided to take a further look at this. How to stop the clock or other things. There was a post on 8ch with someone bragging to have achieved this. I do believe it, when the poster describes the method and byte order of the clock itself, or the day/night flag.
Happy NOT-clicking