Yep, I figured... Still, it was a question just begging to be asked. Jus' Sayin'
I also agree that this story is a LOT better without multiple LI's. Kaija's story is relevant to the plot, the others, not. They are pretty, sure, nothing against pretty girls, but since they are only part of the story IF you are on their path, they are superfluous when you can only have ONE.
Ceolag sorry to bud in on your domain, but this story of yours would be much better if focused on one LI. This attempt to spread the story on several paths, "forcing" players to replay to get everything, is NOT working. I for one will not replay, and if I feel that the story is being kept from me because of that, will simply nuke this instead.
I understand that you are running away from being considered another Harem game, because... stuff and things... but tying content to paths will kill it even faster, if you "force" a single path, that path has to be complete, no matter what. Or are you trying to make players feel cheated? I am sure you're not, so, maybe give it a think.
I know that multiple LI's only exist for the illusion of choice, to make players think that they are relevant (Newsflash: They're not. They are being led by the dick all along, even those that don't have one). All these fake "choices" that in fact change nothing, are just a smoke curtain. Because if the choices did mean anything, you would be cheating the players of content and they would be pissed if they found out that. So, why give your self extra work? Choose one of the girls, doesn't much matter which one, forget the others, since you made all that irrelevant to the player by forcing only one path. Why? To make them replay? You don't get anything from it. The players get a re-heated story with nothing else but some different renders for flavor. In the end, you wasted time and effort that could have made the game better if it was only one LI. My profoundly sincere 2 cents.