Oh, and toss in that elf bitch that I'm supposedly gonna get the hots for... Yeah, you know... the one that started all this shit? Definitely some punching... hehe
Hm, from what we know Medb started nothing.
The mercs which attacked weren't working for the elves (likely the faction which works with the hellspawn), succubus attack ..well bad luck i guess and we don't know who was responsible for abduction the old man (one of the queens i guess), but well, occupational hazard.
You can blame Medb for her bitchy first impression as ambassador...but well, dealing with the templars even for a few days and nearly getting robed of some legendary sword by none less than one of their leaders, i can understand where her shitty attitude towards them comes from...imagine dealing with them for decades or centuries...
I wouldn't be against to give her ass same slaps thought, it's worth the risk
Yeah I also understand that...but what is the chameleaon's actual job? Off-world doing templar shizz...or protecting us? Can;t do both I'm afraid. Also, given how quickly Kaija got her ass back...my point still stands doesn't it...just call Kaiaja....who is suppoosed to be our bodyguard...
Not some dumb ass chauffer who can;t see a huge SUV heading for him.
Yep, she is doing an absolutely shitty job as bodyguard/protector.
-We know she's away very often, so bad luck if something happens to the MC.
-Merc attack, pure luck the MC survived until she came, 'poor' Paul didn't have so much luck.
-Directly after being attacked, you would assume she wouldn't let the MC unprotected again...yet he gets attackt by a succubus the next evening, no sign of her, again pure luck he survived.
-Neverwhere, we were told several times how dangerous it is, that we are not prepared and wouldn't survive alone and she's getting a direct order to protect the MC there.
Kaija at the first sign of enemies ''I'm off fighting hellspawn, you can run to the next portal alone''
MC: not knowning shit about Neverwhere, nor the city, can't defend himself, has not even a weapon, has no idea where the next portal even is...
I mean, can you suck even more at being a bodyguard ?