0. The renders look pretty cool. Forest atmosphere is well done.
Some renders of spanked bottoms have a really high level of detail and high quality ("shade of red").
There are a lot of animations if you play all paths, however quality of animations varies, similar as in CMA.
E.g. some of the spanking animations seem to have no impact and look more like a robotic gymnastics.
Improving animations to a higher level (e.g. like animations in "being a dik") might be a worthwile target. On the other side there are also successful games like BB/Glamour which I think do not use any animations. A interesting story/environment with interesting characters and high quality renders is sufficient.
1. The ingame discussions with Tommy and Abigail about anal sex and spanking can be a little bit weird and unclear, depending on chosen path (anal, spanking, neutral) :
Anal sex can include :
- the mc fucking girls in the ass (dominant)
- the mc getting pegged by girls (submissive)
- the mc having anal sex with men (gay, bi)
Likewise spanking can include :
- the mc spanking girls (dominant)
- the mc getting spanked (submissive)
- ...
The player does not know what kind of kinky stuff Tommy and Abigail usually do when they are alone, so the dialogs could have some more lines where mc defines his limits in detail maybe including some teasing/jokes from the others. (Abigail : so you like anal? too bad I forgot my strapon at home ... )
2. The major choice : anal, spanking or neutral splits the prologue in 3 different paths with respective different kind and order of sexual events. This leads to a lot of duplicated code. Instead of one big choice there could be instead more small choices for every sexual encounter letting the player decide :
- spank her or let the situation pass
- (optional) spank her as foreplay
- have vaginal and/or anal sex or bj
This would allow players to choose scenes based on current player mood instead of being railed on a spanking or anal path and avoid players being overwhelmed and exhausted by a certain fetish.
The game could still track the player decisions and then later give a summary dialog, similar to current summary where Abigail counts how often she was spanked and fucked in the ass, etc.
3. In many sex scenes it is unclear if Abigail has none, one or more orgasms and how the player could achive this. As a gentleman the mc should to some part focus on her orgasms, otherwise the sex may become too egoistic.
Some of the scenes have one bar for mc's arousal while others have two for mc and Abigail.
If mc and Tommy decide to play kind of edging game, the mc can start arousing Abigail and Tommy later will finish her.
The minigame should not be to complicated. The default actions are slow, fast and stop.
In some events there is a 4th option but if activated this is usually gone before it can be selected.
4. Water and Hygiene
On a hike every person usually uses one or more liters (= kilo) of water per day, some for drinking, cooking meals and some for hygiene. Since the weight a person can carry is limited and water is heavy, trecking routes usually lead from cabin / water supply to cabin / water supply. Taking a shower or a bath requires a lot of water.
It would add to the realism if there would be at least a scene where they resupply with water and wash themselves, e.g. with water from a lake, river or creek. (If the creeks are small they might not be on the map, so no conflict with the getting lost scenario.) Otherwise without water for basic hygiene all the cream pies, etc may lead to a somewhat disgusting scenario where sexual acts are performed amid the remnants of past sexual acts (old cum from Tommy and mc).
(On a porn set this is usually no problem since they have showers near the set.)
A way to avoid this situation would be using more condoms (waste) or Abigail doing more blowjobs, keeping the dicks of the guys clean and most importantly avoid cream pies since most players probably don't want to do a cunni if there is still some old cum around. (BJ = More proteins for the girl ...)
5. No backpack for Abigail?
On a trek without cabins etc. where you have to carry all by yourself including water for some days, the girls usually carry part of the weight, too. So a medium backpack for Abigail with mostly light stuff (clothing, etc) with a weight of 10-15 kilo would be realistic, otherwise the men would have to carry this weight on top of the weight of their own stuff. Unless you are a born Sherpa or very good in training, trecking with more than 20-25 kilo can be very exhausting.
6. Campfire Dialog on day 1
The images and the dialog are not always synchronized. Often a person speaks but in the shown image this person is silent and another person speaks.
A solution might be a neutral background image where all 3 are talking. (Maybe also a type of face icon/small image for current speaker popping up.)
7. Too many (meaningless) choices?
Some of the player choices matter (e.g. peek on them or jerk off in tent to see different images) while others seem to have no effect at all in the game. The big black choice window interrupts the game flow every time there is a choice, so I would reduce the number of meaningless choices.