I can respect what you're doing particularly because you're working on two projects. In theory, working on one then another is a way to keep both fresh. As I said, my only concern is that both stories could wind up suffering, especially in their storylines. I play both and they are equally good imo but I have seen other devs work on multiple projects and all of their works suffer because one or more stories get rushed and the scenarios begin to not be recognizable as they progress. I personally don't expect perfection because no one or no thing is perfect. In fact, having a flaw or two is the foundation for improvement. I just don't want to see great products, and they are great, suffer because of the distraction. It's saying enough when you have real life distractions, let alone the added one of trying to make two stories great. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt though. Good luck with them and please continue with what you have.